Monday, 19 October 2015

Homework/Coursework Progress Final Deadline Week

Production Groups
Development individual contribution 2/10/15
1.    Treatment, Pitch & Concepts w/feedback
2.    Horror Genre
3.    Textual Analysis (3x3) w/Crits & Content Analysis
(individual contribution 23/10/15
1. Art Designs (Costume, Character, Location, Props, Make Up)
2. Audience Research
3. Timeline, Storyboard & Animatic
4. Poster & Mag Layouts (w/photos from Make Up Test)
Production (Group)
1. Make Up Test
2. Basic Cam Vid w/annotations + Manual Horror Shots 10/13)
3. Sound Design (Animatic)  
4. Recces
Q1b 30 min Essay Portfolio
1.    Genre
2.    Narrative
3.    Representation
4.    Audience
Overall L3 mid-higher
1. L3 mid-higher
1. L3 mid
4. TBC
No essays
Jake Spencer
3. L3 higher
2. L3 higher
4. L2 lower
2. Needs uploading TBC
2 Essays N, G
Ben Grant
2. L3 higher
3. L4
1. L3
3. L4
2 Essays N, G
Group 2
Overall L3 low C 
Aishat Alegbeleye
1. Treatment L3 needs Green Screen pitch

L1 Missing Concepts 
1. L2
2. Surveymonkeys L2
1. As yet not uploaded - but has been done
1 x Genre
Ellie Butcher
2. PPT 35 Slides Horror Genre L3 mid
3 complete L4 w/annotation
3. Animatic on Sound design WT L4
No Essays
Dan Ajayi
3. L3 C grade proficient some trailers still incomplete)
4. 1 digital only, has influences for annotation needs to link L3 mid-higher overall (no final mag digidraft)

3 x essays but
minimal response
excellent drafting, research okay, Resources 
only costume design L3 lower to mid C
Jasmine May-Baruwa
6 x Posts 
3. L4 needs annotation
3. Animatic L4 needs annotation
3 Essays G, N, R
Madelin Jarra
1x Post “History of J Horror” 5th Oct

2. L4
No Essays
Sheenay Babb
3. complete
L3 mid overall
4. substantial amount TBC

3  Essays R, N, G
Saskia Robbins
2. TBC Stock Characters
2. L2 

No Posts

Thursday, 8 October 2015

5.1 Audience

Wk 5 Pitch Prep: Treatment & Ideas Briefing

Objective: To improve development final treatment to conform content to expectations of a successful A2 Horror Trailer for final pitch next week.

C: Apply some of the stock scenes, recommended locations and symbolic codes to your treatment

B: Analyse your treatment for aspects of sub-text and infer meaning in how you will use recommended locations and stock scenes to express this

A: Embed sub-text, meaning and social commentary fully into your idea, and explain how this will be constructed through locations and stock scenes