Monday, 30 November 2015

Wk 12: Digital Technology

Objective: To consider the development of your skills in using digital technology across the 2 years and the effect or impact this has had on your creativity/cultural expectations

C: To analyse your development of skills in using digital media technology  across the 2 years

B: To explain the impact of these skills on the creative success of your practical work

A: To evaluate and justify the extent that your use of 
digital media technology have influenced or effected the development of your creativity

Some questions to consider:
What do we mean by digital media?
How have we used digital media?
Experimentation, Hyper-reality, access to Social Networks

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Wk 11: Conventions of Real Media


C: To analyse your development of skills in using conventions of real media texts across the 2 years

B: To explain the impact of these skills on the creative success of your practical work

A: To evaluate and justify the extent that your awareness of conventions have influenced or effected the development of your creativity


  1. How much was your own production influenced by existing texts?
  2. How did you identify the conventions? How did you research into existing texts?
  3. Why follow conventions? Think about the relationship with audiences here.
  4. Which conventions did you follow?
  5. How easy was it to follow conventions in your own work? Were there any obstacles?
  6. To what extent, if any, did you depart from existing conventions? What effects were you hoping to achieve by breaking some of the conventions?
  7. To what extent did adherence to conventions limit your own creativity?
Essay Plan
"In AS, my brief was… complete this successfully I had to identify conventions in magazine relating to :

  • Layout
  • Use of images & text
  • Mode of address
  • Semiotics (especially in relation to colour)
  • Genre
  • Representation
(discuss these points adding relevant detail and using as much terminology as possible)
REFER TO EXISTING EXAMPLES YOU LOOKED AT AND HOW THEY USE THESE CONVENTIONS (For instance, "looking at Kerrang! Magazine a rock music magazine, their house style uses a black and red colour scheme and a cut out punk style font, which gives connotations of the music genre.")
"I used these conventions in the following order to..." (Give details about how your design followed conventions. Explain if your work departed from conventions in some way. Try to discuss why following conventions is important in terms of the text’s relationship with the audience.)
"In my Year 13 film promotion exercise, I made a trailer and to do this identified a number of key conventions….of Trailers...of the Horror genre..."(explain what they were). 

Discuss to what extent you conformed to, used, developed or challenged these conventions in your work. Use lots of detail and refer to existing examples that influenced you to compare to your production (but remember to keep the focus on what you have made).
Think about:

  • Shot duration
  • Number of cuts
  • Narrative Structure (no resolution) 
  • Use of Title Slates 
  • Pace of the cuts and use of transitions (fades etc)
  • Horror Mise-en-scene (blood, low key lighting, haunted houses or isolated locations, costume, make up etc)
  • Stock scenes (dragged into darkness) 
  • Sound
  • Representation of characters 

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Prep Week 10: Post It Note Movie R&P & exam advice

10. Q1a Research & Planning

C: To analyse your development of skills in research and planning across the 2 years
B: To explain the impact of these skills on the creative success of your practical work
A: To evaluate and justify the extent that your R&P skills have influenced the development of your creativity, use of conventions or use of digital technology

Rp brainstorm complete from ctkmedia

G325 June 2010 39/50 Section A
I feel that my production skills from foundation to Advanced have greatly improved. My thriller opening sequence was about two men who prey on suicidal teenage girls on the internet, titled “Caught in the Web.” The men rape and murder their victims but frame it as a suicide, using the suicide support website (where they preyed on them) as evidence of this suicide. It is a dark enigmatic and gripping film which captivates the audience (according to my feedback). My music video (Advanced Portfolio) is to the song “Voodoo Child” originally by Rogue Traders, but our girlband uses the name The Vixens. We used 4 girls and our video transports the audience to the mind of the main girl, where her alter-egos (dressed as the deadly sins) corrupt her. It is a racy funky video that creates a strong band image.

My research for both projects included researching genre conventions (horror/thriller opening sequences such as “Se7en”, and electropop-rock/dance/glam music videos such as Lady Gaga and Katy Perry) and was expanded to include components that didn’t specifically relate to genre. For my thriller I researched films where they have internet conversations (as in our opening sequence, the girl is talking to who she thinks is an agony aunt over an internet forum) which led me to films including “The “The Holiday” and “Something’s Gotta Give”, showing me how to successfully change from filming the person typing the words on the screen and then reading their message aloud. I developed this skill in my music video research by looking at other media texts, not just other music videos. I started with trying to be inspired by original music video concepts such as Radiohead’s video for “Just” in which a man lies down in the street and the audience can’t hear what he’s saying to explain himself to passers by. This inspired me to create ambiguity in my video which differs from standard pop videos where a lot of the visuals illustrate the lyrics. I expanded my research to fashion magazines and photographs of different eras, since a major concept in this video was the power of women as confident, independent, sexual beings. Our costume was very important in constructing meaning and without in-depth research into the 7 deadly sins the audience would not have grasped why we had girls dressed in bold outfits to symbolise the sins; red, velvet leotard and back combed hair for “wrath”, a Marie Antoiinette inspred look of a pale blue and pink corset, white face make-up, an [cannot read text] with one long curled piece of hair, and a chunk of chocolate cake that signified “Greed”, a black corset with leather leggings to signify “Lust”, and a green dress, heavy green eye make up and glittery diamond jewellery connoting “Envy”.

I think that without doing research into character types, character costume, and genre conventions for my thriller I wouldn’t have known what to look for when researching for my music video because they can be so abstract and there aren’t many constraints. I also learned to be open minded.

Since I was one of the performers in our music video, it pushed me to think more practically – our ideas had to be creative yet do-able on our small budget and time constraints. After watching several videos on YouTube of thriller opening sequences and music videos I realised that it is good to have layered meaning a production because it makes it more interesting for the audience as it challenges them to come up with their own interpretations and gives the production playability. In the Thriller project, after researching storylines and narrative themes, my group and I had a strong idea of what our film was about. Despite the fact we created enigma, we still wanted the audience to understand our dominant reading, however in my music video, I realised that it is better to- people to have different interpretations as I found that the most popular current music videos are those that are quirky, different and weird, like Lady GaGa.
In conclusion my foundation portfolio greatly aided my advanced portfolio because my skills were refined and I have produced an ever better end product.

EG 8
T 4

Friday, 6 November 2015

9.1 Intro to 'Hands' exam & Creativity

How to Structure

AS Preliminary > AS Magazine > AS Evaluation > A2 Horror Trailer > A2 Poster > A2 Magazine > A2 Evaluation

Introduction - what did you make @ AS & A2? 

Point - Sound, Camera/Photography, Editing/Photo manipulation/layout, [MES?]

Example: What skills (creatively) at each stage from AS to A2

Explanation: How have you developed your 'skills', creatively - what have you learned about being creative, reflect on creativity?

Creativity is... 
“The making of the new and the rearranging of the old”

"Creativity involves thinking or behaving imaginatively"

"The imaginative activity is purposeful – set against a meaningful objective"

"If          creativity          is  ... social          and           situational, then             technological developments may well be linked to advances in the creativity of individual users”

No theory/theorists
2 Productions
Development over time
Specific examples from your work
Link to the question

Post to your blogs 

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

FSA R&P Grades

Production Groups
Transition Booklet + Summer Assignment + Pitch (18/9/15)
Development individual contribution 2/10/15
1. Treatment, Pitch & Concepts w/feedback
2. Horror Genre
3. Textual Analysis (3x3) w/Crits & Content Analysis
(individual contribution 23/10/15
1. Art Designs (Costume, Character, Location, Props, Make Up)
2. Audience Research
3. Timeline, Storyboard & Animatic
4. Poster & Mag Layouts (w/photos from Make Up Test)
Production (Group)
1. Make Up Test
2. Basic Cam Vid w/annotations + Manual Horror Shots 10/13)
3. Sound Design (Animatic)  
4. Recees
R&P Group grade
Q1b 30 min Essay Portfolio
1. Genre
2. Narrative
3. Representation
4. Audience
Spooky Studios
L2 mid D-
3. L3 lower C
4.No digital drafts L2 D basic
No evidence of contribution
No sound design
No digital drafts
No Camera Shots
Minimal evidence of audience research
No Location, Props,
Basic Overall L2 top border D+

Jada Ramsammy
L2 lower D-
1. L2 mid incomplete and basic/nonsensical E/D
2. L1/2 border minimal/ incomplete E
No evidence of contribution

Celestina Ogunremi
L2/3 border D-
2. Overall wide res L3 lower C some proficient research and care no focus hence Treatment
3. WT L4 w/annotation B/A
1. L3 w/annotation C+

L3 lower C-
1.       L3 mid-higher B/C
3.WT L4 w/annotation A
3. WT L4 w/annotation A
No Textual Analysis
No Audience Research
No Drafting of ancillaries
Overall L2 lowest E-

Aimee Little
L3 mid B-
2.       L4 A comprehensive, excellently presented detailed
1. L3 high proficient B
2. Complete needs annotation (on Karo’s blog) A/B
1. Applied make up & edited – needs annotation

Rhiannon Frazer
L3 mid B-
No Blog linked
No Blog linked
No Blog linked

L3 low C-
No work on blog given – new address on deadline day given by student not correct
No work on blog given
No work on blog given

Debby Adebiyi
L3 mid C+
3.L3 Mainly proficient from C-to B-
4.L3/4 good annotation digital and drawn images quality
1. L3 w/annotation
Level 3 lower C

John Naylon
L3 mid C
2.L3 mid +C lacks annotation though
3. L3 low C Animatic complete but uses found images
3. L2 higher Lack of variety of sound effects or booms just atmospheric score

Martina Cipolla
L3 mid C+
1.Lowest L3 detail is missing & no concepts C-
1&2.L3 lowest border just about proficient C-

2.Horror Shots (no basic) n/annotation or title L2/L3

Tashfin Chaudhury
L3 higher B
Blog address not working
Blog address not working
Blog address not working
No ancillary drafts
No textual analysis
No treatment
Overall Level 2/3 border D+/C-

Aliyah Brown
L3 higher B
1. L3 Higher B
3.L4 w/annotation
2.Horror only L4
3.L4 lots of layers and builds
1.WT L4

*Nicole Mukada
L4 A TBC blog inc
Blog address not working
Blog address not working
Blog address not working

Mariam Alakiu
L4 low A-
2. L3 lower C to L4 (presentation varies) – has lots of posts though B
2.L4 A

Pot. L4 - No Booklet - Pitch & Summer Task & Transition Blog = A
1. L3 mid-higher B-
1. L3 mid C+/B-
4. TBC
Overall Level 3 higher B
No essays
Jake Spencer
L3 low mid C­­­-
3. L3 higher B
2. L3 higher B-
4. L2 lower C
2. Needs uploading TBC
2 Essays N, G
Ben Grant
L3 mid C+
2. L3 higher B
3. L4 A
1. L3 B-
3. L4 A
2 Essays N, G
Group 2
L2 Mid D-
1. Treatment L3 C needs Green Screen pitch

L1 Missing Concepts 
1. L2 D
2. Surveymonkeys L2 D-
1. As yet not uploaded - but has been done
Overall Level 3 lower C-
1 x Genre
Ellie Butcher
L3 low C-
2. PPT 35 Slides Horror Genre L3 mid
3 complete L4 w/annotation
3. Animatic on Sound design WT L4
No Essays
Dan Ajayi
L2 higher D+
3. L3 C- grade proficient some trailers still incomplete)
4. 1 digital only, has influences for annotation needs to link L3 mid-higher overall (no final mag digidraft)

3 x essays but U grade minimal response
Jasmine May-Baruwa
L4 Low A-
6 x Posts 
3. L4 needs annotation
3. Animatic L4 needs annotation
Basic audience research
Incomplete genre research
No props, location or costume
Overall Grade Level 3 borderline C-

3 Essays G, N, R
Madelin Jarra
Pot L4. Pitch = A no booklet
2.2 posts - L2 antagonists twice and
1x Post “History of J Horror” L2 high D Basic contribution
No evidence of contribution
2. L4
No Essays
Sheenay Babb
L3 higher B
3. complete
L3 mid overall
4. substantial amount TBC

3  Essays R, N, G
Saskia Robbins
L3 highest B+
2. TBC Stock Characters
2. L2 

No Posts