Sunday, 17 April 2016

6 weeks to go Genre Q1b


D. Identify, categorise and define 4 theories
C. Examine own trailers for theory
B. Explain the meaning and purpose of following/breaking conventions 
A. Justify extent your work conforms to these theories (postmodernism)

1. Name 5 genre theorists
2. List 8 conventions of horror
3. Explain how conventions are used by audiences
4. Explain how conventions are used by producers
5. Explain what is a subgenre 
6. Give 5 examples
7. What does hybrid genre mean?
8. Give an example of a hybrid horror?
D. Identify, categorise and define 4 theories
Match em up - quotes with theorists

Introduction Theorist: "Genre is a recurring type of category of text"
Subgenres and Hybrids? whats the difference?
Why needed for audiences & why needed for producers?

1 Theory: "6 x Key elements - Protagonists, stock characters/situations, icons, background and theme"

2 Theory: "repetition and difference" - (conventions) OR "Genre is a process of negotiation and change"

3 Theory: "Experimental, Classic, Revisionist, Parody" 

4 Theory: "Final Girl" 

5 Theory: "Creates expectations that condition our responses. Genre sets up hopes and promises and brings pleasure if they are fulfilled"

Theorists: Burton, Clover, Neale, Metz, Livingstone, Buckland, Buckingham 

Task 2: using your production work, identify specific examples that demonstrate your 4 theories. Use Popplet to mind map your examples

Students target C. Examine own trailers for theory (Connote - this means, this suggests, it could be argued...")

Apply your theory in your teams and present - how does the content of your trailer exemplify (demonstrate) this idea about genre

Point - how your trailer demonstrates this theory
Example - the conventions of your horror trailer's 
Explaination - ?

Student target B. Explain the meaning and purpose of following/breaking conventions 
What meaning does the theory reveal or add to your work - what is your work 'saying'?

Student target A. Justify extent your work conforms to these theories (postmodernism)
How closely does your Horror follow these ideas about genre 'rules', or is it difficult to apply them?

Write a conclusion paragraph 

Pictuonary or charades - a genre theory or terminology word 

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