Thursday, 7 December 2017

Grade A RMT essay

Conventions are followed as they allow for the audience to understand what genre or type of media a piece is. They can however be subverted or the conventions can be changed slightly while still recognizable; for example, a boost could be shaped like a circle or square, but if the intended meaning is shown (in this example a form of advertisement) then the use of convention is successful. I have learnt from the past two years that semiotics is different in each genre and how to adjust to them. In AS my focus was music magazines in a genre of our choice, to create the magazine I used References from real media texts or RMT. One of the ones that I used was NME – this was due to the fact it had a wide range of diverse types of artist but the outline was the same – this choice limited my creativity, however, it did allow me to understand the conventions of layout. From the magazine, I learned that the cover lines, boost and images fell into the ‘rule of thirds’ this helped me space my writing correctly. However, I also changed this slightly as the rule of thirds states that you must put your subject on one of the intersecting line. To be more atypical I placed my artist in the center of the page, this is so it would be more eye catching. I believe that this was successful. My semiotics in colour were less successful. The reason for this being that even though I used white, red, and black – as a symbol of the rock genre. I did so in the wrong ratio making the image look more like a pop magazine due to the lightness. This was only made effective on my double page spread as most of the first page and second are shown to have main and secondary images typical of the genre. The real media text I used for my trailer shaped the way in which I will edit it. Using the conjuring 2 trailer I worked out a rough time line and what to put in each section of the trailer. Within the three sections the pace gets faster and only use the disruption section of the film. Starting with tracking shots we filmed in the woods, and abbey ruins, these were texture shots which showed outlined the scenery for the audience as more mood than action. We get to the first cut to black at twenty seconds – this is a teaser trailer so each of the sections is roughly 20 seconds. Oculus follows this much better than the conjuring two trailer but I chose it due to the subsections and not the overall layout. Learning about this means that each section is not to long and the audience does not get bored. As my trailer is a monster trailer the semiotic shows that. This is by using low key lighting to signify death and by using the conventional stock scenes of the monster’s natural weapons but not the abilities. This is as that shows the resolution of the film and would spoil the ending not to mention the fact that as a teaser trailer there need to be less dialogue/monologuing to allow for the producers to capture the audience. This was more successful than my first-year magazine as we learned more about the conventions via RMT but we also learned how and why they were used this allowed me to apply them effectively and change them when my creativity needed to. In the end, my use of conventions was more effective in the second-year due to my use of references (I used more) this is as it allowed me in the second year to explore more, however, this limited me to one genre which may have been the reason it was more effective as I was forced to look at unusual ways to interpret text. The repeated conventions where chosen from the research and planning questionnaire and has shown to be effective in meeting the expectations of the audience (other students) who are within the age range 15+. But I also now understand the uses of semiotics and their meanings while being able to apply them. By restricting my creativity, I can explore more successfully.

Monday, 4 December 2017

2.6 30 -45 seconds editing & A grade Mags

D - understand conventions of trailers in terms of sections, titles, sound and transitions

C - apply structural conventions to refine footage in trailers to refine 15 - 30 seconds

B - analyse structure and editing techniques for purpose and Tone

A-  create the 30 - 45 seconds story section demonstrating excellent control over the edit

Monday, 6 November 2017


FP Productions Update
1. 25 shot storyboard drawn - UPLOAD THIS TO BLOG
2. Drafting of Magazines - IN CLASS COMPLETE THE 'COPY' OF THE TEACHING EXAMPLES FROM YOUTUBE AND USE THIS AS AN ELECTRONIC DRAFT - Use images from your make up tests for now.
3. Pencil Drafts of Magazine and Influences 
Deadline E/O/this week - 17th Nov 4pm

PEJU - Action: recce 2 more locations for Trailer & Risk Assess
Risk Assessments done
Book Camera with Mr French
Select Actors and Upload images onto Weebly

TARGETS for next week:
Organise your Shoot - FRIDAY 17th NOV
Shoot your first/or 1 scene from your Trailer ON LOCATION

2.2 Homework & Prep Work (due 16th/17th Nov)

2.2 Prep for this week - Q1a Exam 2: R&P

2.2 6 Weeks left to Production Deadline

Thursday, 12 October 2017

1.6 Production (due 31st October)

Task: Production Section

Student 1:

11.costume & makeup_guidance from ctkmedia 

Task 1: 
Create annotated mood boards and shopping lists - where you will source your costumes and make up from? Budget required.
Compare your resources to existing examples from films you are drawing inspiration from and embed the images and trailer

Task 2:
Make Up tests - for wounds and monsters, video this and speed up to create a 'Youtube Tutorial' style video. 
Research existing ones that show you the effects you want and reference films you are drawing inspiration from and embed the images and trailer

Student 2: (1st week back you will need to collect MP3 royalty free sounds and soundtrack for your animatic to build your sound design)

Example from last year

Example of what you must produce

Student 3: Storyboard & Shot List & Animatic

Task 1:
Complete a Shot List including detail on SHOT TYPE, ANGLE, MOVEMENT and DURATION. Write this along a Timeline of your Trailer from 0:00 - 1:00

Task 2:
In Pencil, complete a 30 - shot Storyboard for your Teaser Trailer of shots including detail on SHOT TYPE, ANGLE, MOVEMENT and DURATION.
NO STICKMEN, Use the Rule of 3rds, Textures, Correct framing - ie looks like a CU. Do not storyboard Titles

Task 3:
Photograph and crop each image and edit together to the duration stated to create an Animatic

Examples of last year:
Shot List

Student 4 (or '2' if in group of 4) Recce and Risk Assessment and Shooting Schedule/Shooting Script

9.shooting script &_location_recce_guidance from ctkmedia

Task 1:
Research and scout (that is visit IN PERSON) the locations you are considering around SE & central London to film your trailer. Complete 2 Recces per scene - you could do this as a video -
Must include CU images of each of the risks to show you were there
You must demonstrate you have contacted and received permission in writing from the council or the private owner to shoot - search 'shooting licences' on Google 

Task 2:
Complete the Shooting Script/Schedule with dates, times and location addresses IN THE ORDER THE SHOTS WILL BE FILMED

Example of Last years

Templates for you to complete: 
1. Recce Template:
2 & 3. Shooting schedule & Risk Assessment

1.6 Prep for Monday 16th Pre-production Feedback (FSA)

Pick 3 videos, watch over the feedback and compare your work with where they were at last year

1.6 Homework & Prep for Half Term (Due 30th October)

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

FSA Development and Pre-production Feedback

1. 5 Best Narrative Example by a student this year


In horror films and trailers, according to theorists Bordwell and Thompson, narrative is “a chain of events in a cause-effect relationship occurring in time”. Narrative can be organised in a sequence of events that are in chronological order, to create conflict or realism and mystery for the audience. I will be using my trailer, The Last Ones Left, to apply, analyse and evaluate how the narratives fulfil their purpose. The first narrative theory I will be applying is Todorov’s three act structure; equilibrium, disequilibrium and resolution. However, in most trailers the resolution isn’t shown in order to create suspense and to coax the audience to wanting to see more by going to watch the film. 

In the trailer, The Last Ones Left, we displayed the equilibrium through found-footage style editing to give the audience an idea of the plot and what the film would entail. The sounds of the sirens during those first ten seconds did lead into the disruption because in reality we associate sirens with police, ambulances and the fire brigade and the first that comes to our mind is danger so in a similar way those sound effects of the sirens tell the audience that something dangerous or life threatening is about to happen. The disequilibrium is conveyed through past paced editing and a montage displaying clips of a teenage girl shooting at something unseen which creates tension and anticipation of what is to come next for the audience thus making them want to go and watch the film to find out more. In comparison, trailers such as Rec use a similar structure; the trailer starts out as firemen and others looking through a dilapidated and dark building until screaming and a fast-paced montage is used to show that something is wrong. In my trailer think Todorov’s theory was used accurately in terms of the way it begun and lead into the disruption and it mirrored professional trailers by not showing a resolution. 

 Binary Oppositions is a theory by Claude Levi-Strauss which explains that in order for the plot to be simplified and moved forward, a film must have two opposing characters to create conflict. For example, good and bad, man versus woman or science versus religion. This theory is essential for our trailer because it’s intended to be a psychological thriller with the battle between good versus evil and this is demonstrated through the clips with a teenage girl shooting and the clips of the mutants coming down from the sky. The mutants are unnatural and no one knows where they came from and therefore they are perceived as evil. The teenage girl shooting using a gun, trying to save herself by taking on stereotypically male characteristics such as bravery exhibits that she is good. I have mainly seen binary opposites in vampire films and slasher films. In Cabin in The Woods, the binary opposites would be stock characters like the final girl and the slut, where one thinks logically and is an atypical teenager who doesn’t participate in anything illegal the other is promiscuous and irrational. In conclusion, I believe we applied this theory but not effectively because although theme is good versus evil the characters aren’t good enough reflections of each other. For this to improve or become clearer I think using a male in a costume or with make up to look like a mutant would be better or to not show the antagonist at all. 

 Barthes had a theory that encompassed five codes used in a film or trailer that make it more effective; action, enigma, semantic, referential and symbolic. The main code used in our trailer I believe is the enigma code due to the editing of the trailer. This is constructed through found-footage style and cuts between each clip along with the intense sound effects of sirens which almost makes the dialogue inaudible however I believe this fits the code because it creates mystery for the audience and reveals elements of the plot without revealing too much. Considering our trailer was intended to be supernatural I believe the enigma code is essential because in supernatural films, for example in The Exorcist and Poltergeist, the spirit that antagonises the victims is unseen and there are scenes of movement that defies gravity such as levitation which we have in our trailer. 

 The final is Propp who came up with archetypes that appear in stories based on fairy-tales such as; the hero, the villain, the prize/princess, the helper and the donor. Although not every movie includes all these types of characters, the fact they came from fairy tales is significant because fairy tales are stories of morality and being able to distinguish good from bad. In a similar way horror films can be perceived as fairy tales for adults, particularly thrillers because they are set in realistic and ordinary settings like a house, with a traditional nuclear family to make it surreal. Our trailer does make use of the archetypes hero versus villain however, again, it would be better if we had live actions monsters instead. 

 In conclusion, I think overall, we have made an adequate use of the rules of narrative, our strengths were mostly the 3-act structure in my opinion and weaker in showing binary opposites. I would say Todorov, Barthes and Levi-Strauss’ theories are the most applicable because they are simplistic and are more modern whereas Propp’s theory of archetypes is slightly outdated however the idea of fairy tales being adapted into horror films makes them more interesting because it’s as if you’re bringing fears to life and perverting innocent fairy tales to make them for fearful. These are all important when constructing trailers in order to appeal to the audience and keep them entertained with intellectual and visceral pleasure.

Thursday, 28 September 2017

1.3 Representation Essay Plan

Introduction Theorist: "Representation Horror films because...?"
'The Monster' - it's function and purpose in a horror? (Theory 1)
Patriarchy & Mysogeny, Feminist or Post-Feminist?
Sexuality and Religeon?
Teen Punishment for breaking social rules eg sex = death (metaphor for the loss of innocence)

P1 Theory: Scream Queens or Male Gaze - Who, where and how? (C) 
Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
Evaluate the strength and limits of the theory reading in your Trailer and the message (A)

P2 Theory: The Final Girl - Who, where and how? (C) 
Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
Evaluate the strength and limits of the theory reading in your Trailer and the message (A)

P3 Theory: Religeon and Sexuality - Who, where and how? (C) 
Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
Evaluate the strength and limits of the theory reading in your Trailer and the message (A)

P4 Theory: Hegemony & Teen Punishment - Who, where, which and how? (C) 
Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
Evaluate the strength and limits of the theory reading in your Trailer and the message (A)

P5 Theory: The Monster or Other Who, where, which and how? (C) 

Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
Evaluate the strength and limits of the theory reading in your Trailer and the message (A)

Theorists: Neale, Clover, Mulvey, Gramsci, Berger, Dobbs, Derry

Paragraph Plan:
Point - Apply the theory and it's terms, consider how much your Trailer uses/can apply the Theory (do not explain the theory)

Example - Specific description and examination of your trailer - how you have 'build' or shown this theory aspect (ie: Character MES or presented the disruption visually on screen)

Explanation/Analysis - How does the Trailer 'function' or 'work' using this theory, what Meaning or Messages does this reveal? Is it aiming to be more complex, realistic, unpredictable?


Monday, 25 September 2017

1.3 Extension AGP

1.3 Lesson Tasks Development Final Week Deadline

1.3 Lesson Tasks Development Final Week Deadline

Where you should be at by now: 75% of the Website completed and Development Tasks posted 

By the end of the lesson you must:

1. Complete your team page, individual profile and embed your summer trailer & evaluation (3 act montage, stock scenes, tone)

2. Embed your individual Concept presentations from YouTube (finish recording these in lesson & edit in Final Cut). Embed examples of trailer that have influenced it.

3. Leave feedback on each other's ideas - strengths & weaknesses. (Consider practicality, budget, is it horror enough?)

4. Annotate these pages to explain what was learned.

5. Prepare your Final Group Treatment - (this is what you are going to produce) -see Development Booklet Links sent for homework last week for guidance.

6. Development Genre Student 1: History of (your sub-genre) Horror examples - Metz 4 stages of Genre

Use images, embed video & text to plot out the History of your sub genre using Timeglider

7. Development Task Horror Genre (Student 1) Stock Characters in Horror

1.3 Prep and Homework for w/c 3.10.16

Prep 1. 
Exam Prep: Audience (30 mins)

Prep: 2. 
Feedback Development (15 mins)
Watch the feedback for last years students on their Development Task and apply any changes to your work 

Homework 1: (2 hours) 
Divide up roles for the Pre-Production - 50% of YOUR role is due by next Friday 6th October

Homework 2: (30 mins)
Write up your timed Representation Essay using EITHER an example of last years or your intended idea for your Trailer

Homework 3: (20 mins)
Rewrite your Genre essay giving your responses to the questions - EDIT THE EXISTING DRAFT and make the changes in RED

Monday, 3 July 2017

3.1 Horror Theory

Task 1 (2 hours)
Use the resources below to teach each other in groups (use class time or whatsapp to communicate this and help each other)

Clips and questions to test yourself

Homework - (2 hours)
Task 2: Write a 300 word summary on each of the bullet pointed theories (1500 words in total - embed examples of videos of scene or trailers you have found that demonstrate this)
  1. Final Girl
  2. How Genres (conventions) Change over Time
  3. The Male Gaze
  4. What Zombies represent
  5. Post-modern Horror

Task 3: Make your Trailer based on the best ideas in your group. It must demonstrate the following 

Use of fades
Use of cuts to black
1 minute total duration 

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

READ THIS Instructions for next week

Cover Instructions - Here is the plan for next week

1st lesson (Mon) You are pitching their Horror film ideas to camera, please record each students pitch. I have given them explicit detail in what it needs to contain in their prep work. The class will then vote on the best 4 that will be produced over the summer. 

Any time left over will be work in their production teams to cover this in your booklets independently - (they can look at the previous students blogs to help them ONLY if they are stuck)

Anyone who come unprepared will be placed on a S1 disciplinary.

2nd and 3rd lesson will be editing – here is the lesson plan You MUST complete this by the end of next week. There will be another 4hrs of Homework posted on the blog on for them to complete also.

Friday class – slightly different, you will start on the editing lesson

All work is to uploaded to your blogs

Wk 3 Trailer Structural Analysis and Timeline

Wk 2 Homework & Prep

Task 1 (6 mins) Learn how to make notes using the Cornel Method as you watch the film. Print off a use the template here

Then watch Cabin in the Woods click on V2 (if the link does not work I expect you to find an alternative - it is available on Youtube for £2.99) and make notes (1hr 30m) 

Task 2 (30 mins) Complete 1 of the film crits in the back of your booklets IN DETAIL for Cabin in the Woods.

Task 3 (30 mins) Using your notes from class on sub-genre and Horror conventions, write a 300 word summary of HOW the film make interesting use of the conventions of Horror and Subgenres you have studied

Task 4 (30 mins) Write a 300 word analysis of how the following themes and sub-texts are raised in the film (with examples of scenes that do so) - what is the film trying to say, particularly through its ending?
a) Teen Punishment 
b) Gender & Sexuality
c) Yonic & Phallic Imagery 

The above is due Wednesday 28th 

Task 1: (30 mins) Use the pages in your booklets to put together your own film idea based on your fears. You will pitch these in class next week on camera which will be uploaded to Youtube for the coursework examiner

You must: 
have a title
reference at least 3 other Horror Films, 
identify the sub-genre, 
what conventions its has that makes it recognisable as this sub-genre
which theme we have discussed will it address
have an intended audience (gender and age)

Task 2: (30 mins) Write up a 150 word treatment (see your booklets for how to write a treatment)

The above is due Monday 26th 

Total: 4 hrs 

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

1.3 Semiotics of Horrors

1.2 9 Sub-genres of Horror

Wk 1 Prep Work & Homework

1.1 Conventions & Iconography & Semiotics

A Reflect/evaluate
How you will build on their strengths
How you will solve the problems typically encountered
Conclusion & class discussion
A/B Justify
Why the student work belongs in the chosen grade criteria using the mark scheme
3 x example Grids
Annotated in Szoter
C Analyse
Previous student work for strengths and weaknesses in camera, editing, sound skills and selecting M-E-S
3 x example Grids
Rank order
D Identify & apply
Some conventions of a Trailer
Some conventions of Horror
Outline the levels of success in the mark criteria
Mind Map
3 x example Grids
Rank Order


Hello - I have been looking over your grades, attendance and average GCSE scores and have already put you in production groups.

You will need all to raise your game from AS. Now it gets challenging and proper A Level standard. 

The activities will be measuring your independence and group work - there will be no teacher support outside of classes, but there will be technician support.

Your conduct and discipline over the next four weeks will be closely monitored and recorded to make a final decision about your groupings and will have an impact on my predictions of your grades for UCAS. 

By next week you must complete/sorted the following to successfully Go Green

  • Set up a new Google account and a Blogger Blog (see link for instructions), and email me the link the page site (
  • You must create/join a class Whatsapp group and download the app to your phone
  • Buy and bring your own ring binder, A4 pad of lined paper, (ideally a portable hard drive), a set of pens and highlighters and your given A2 Transition Booklet 
  • You must attend all lessons during Transition
  • You must complete 3 hours of weekly individual and team based work 
  • You must complete 1 hour of academic Prep work (reading and summarising using Cornel Notes system)
You will be tested on Terminology each week and resources will be provided ONLY via the blog - it is your responsibility to print off resources or to ensure you access the teaching blog.

You will be expected to take notes in class to complete the A2 Transition Booklets

All homework and Prep is listed in you Transition Booklets on the Course Outline

The way the blog is labelled is as follows:

1.1 or 1.2 or 1.3 means 1st Week, lesson 1, 2 or 3

Class 1
Analysis & evaluation of student Horror Trailers – (Oscars) marking Identify
Framework 1
conventions & Iconography & Semiotics
Horror mood board, Thinglink annotations
Class 2
Framework 1
Sub genres of horror presentation (Thinglink poster with iconography)
Stock Scenes and Stock Shot Types

Class 3
Framework 1
Teaser and Trailers Content analysis conventions of form (Variety of Genres) between them - (montage, titles, jump scare and Todorov narrative conventions)

In booklet: Individual analysis of 3 existing Horror Trailers in booklet (different subgenres)
Create an interactive mood board-poster 9 sub genres

Go Green: Buy and bring a folder, set up a blog, pad of A4, highlighter pens; booklets hole punched

Read over Genre Theorists: Burton and Neale and Metz – summarise their theories on your blog in 100 words

Revise for Terminology quiz on conventions and Theorists

Lecture 1: Iconic Horror Films 50s-60s Metz Genre Cycles Experimental
Lecture 2:  Iconic Horror Films 70s-80s Metz Genre Cycles Classic
Lecture 2: Iconic Horror Films 90s-2010s Metz Genre Cycles Parody & Deconstruction

Research the films in the booklet and find out why they are Iconic Horror films and Critically Recognized

Develop an idea for your summer Trailer to pitched in class (use booklet)

Find 3 films that are influential and develop your own idea
Identify and source 12 pieces of footage of genre set pieces and iconography for your Mash Up Trailer

Read over Narrative Theorists: Todorov, Levi Strauss and Barthes – summarise their theories on your blog in 100 words

Revise for Terminology quiz on conventions and Theorists

Class 1
Basic Final Cut Edit workshop
Re-make a Horror Trailer Titles Placement and Shutterstock footage – structure of Horror Trailers using cuts and fades to black

Class 2
Edit workshop
Re-make a Horror Trailer Titles Placement and Shutterstock footage
Class 3
Sound editing (Garageband to score an existing Horror sequence workshop)

Develop Treatment for idea for a Horror Film drawing on 3 existing films as influences – find a suitable Horror location (recce) and present in lesson (this will be filmed over summer) create a mock poster using template
Prep: Read over notes on Subtexts, Final Girl and Scream Queens (Clover, Dobbs & Mulvey, Phallic, Yonic)

Put together pitch with 3 films drawn from
Class 1

Class 2
Framework 2
Theoretical Analysis of Horrors:
Subtexts & Semiotics
Class 3
Framework 3
Are Horror Films Misogynistic?
Feminism Theoretical Analysis of Horrors
Summer Work
1. Swede of an influential horror film trailer, shoot and edit on Splice or shoot your own idea

2. Complete Booklet for assessment and groupings Prepare pitch outline for your own individual idea for film

3. Individual Location Research – video selfie of a location & risk assess
Prep: watch instructional video on Youtube how to create supernatural effects with Jump Cuts (Melies and student work)