Wednesday, 21 June 2017

READ THIS Instructions for next week

Cover Instructions - Here is the plan for next week

1st lesson (Mon) You are pitching their Horror film ideas to camera, please record each students pitch. I have given them explicit detail in what it needs to contain in their prep work. The class will then vote on the best 4 that will be produced over the summer. 

Any time left over will be work in their production teams to cover this in your booklets independently - (they can look at the previous students blogs to help them ONLY if they are stuck)

Anyone who come unprepared will be placed on a S1 disciplinary.

2nd and 3rd lesson will be editing – here is the lesson plan You MUST complete this by the end of next week. There will be another 4hrs of Homework posted on the blog on for them to complete also.

Friday class – slightly different, you will start on the editing lesson

All work is to uploaded to your blogs

Wk 3 Trailer Structural Analysis and Timeline

Wk 2 Homework & Prep

Task 1 (6 mins) Learn how to make notes using the Cornel Method as you watch the film. Print off a use the template here

Then watch Cabin in the Woods click on V2 (if the link does not work I expect you to find an alternative - it is available on Youtube for £2.99) and make notes (1hr 30m) 

Task 2 (30 mins) Complete 1 of the film crits in the back of your booklets IN DETAIL for Cabin in the Woods.

Task 3 (30 mins) Using your notes from class on sub-genre and Horror conventions, write a 300 word summary of HOW the film make interesting use of the conventions of Horror and Subgenres you have studied

Task 4 (30 mins) Write a 300 word analysis of how the following themes and sub-texts are raised in the film (with examples of scenes that do so) - what is the film trying to say, particularly through its ending?
a) Teen Punishment 
b) Gender & Sexuality
c) Yonic & Phallic Imagery 

The above is due Wednesday 28th 

Task 1: (30 mins) Use the pages in your booklets to put together your own film idea based on your fears. You will pitch these in class next week on camera which will be uploaded to Youtube for the coursework examiner

You must: 
have a title
reference at least 3 other Horror Films, 
identify the sub-genre, 
what conventions its has that makes it recognisable as this sub-genre
which theme we have discussed will it address
have an intended audience (gender and age)

Task 2: (30 mins) Write up a 150 word treatment (see your booklets for how to write a treatment)

The above is due Monday 26th 

Total: 4 hrs 

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

1.3 Semiotics of Horrors

1.2 9 Sub-genres of Horror

Wk 1 Prep Work & Homework

1.1 Conventions & Iconography & Semiotics

A Reflect/evaluate
How you will build on their strengths
How you will solve the problems typically encountered
Conclusion & class discussion
A/B Justify
Why the student work belongs in the chosen grade criteria using the mark scheme
3 x example Grids
Annotated in Szoter
C Analyse
Previous student work for strengths and weaknesses in camera, editing, sound skills and selecting M-E-S
3 x example Grids
Rank order
D Identify & apply
Some conventions of a Trailer
Some conventions of Horror
Outline the levels of success in the mark criteria
Mind Map
3 x example Grids
Rank Order


Hello - I have been looking over your grades, attendance and average GCSE scores and have already put you in production groups.

You will need all to raise your game from AS. Now it gets challenging and proper A Level standard. 

The activities will be measuring your independence and group work - there will be no teacher support outside of classes, but there will be technician support.

Your conduct and discipline over the next four weeks will be closely monitored and recorded to make a final decision about your groupings and will have an impact on my predictions of your grades for UCAS. 

By next week you must complete/sorted the following to successfully Go Green

  • Set up a new Google account and a Blogger Blog (see link for instructions), and email me the link the page site (
  • You must create/join a class Whatsapp group and download the app to your phone
  • Buy and bring your own ring binder, A4 pad of lined paper, (ideally a portable hard drive), a set of pens and highlighters and your given A2 Transition Booklet 
  • You must attend all lessons during Transition
  • You must complete 3 hours of weekly individual and team based work 
  • You must complete 1 hour of academic Prep work (reading and summarising using Cornel Notes system)
You will be tested on Terminology each week and resources will be provided ONLY via the blog - it is your responsibility to print off resources or to ensure you access the teaching blog.

You will be expected to take notes in class to complete the A2 Transition Booklets

All homework and Prep is listed in you Transition Booklets on the Course Outline

The way the blog is labelled is as follows:

1.1 or 1.2 or 1.3 means 1st Week, lesson 1, 2 or 3

Class 1
Analysis & evaluation of student Horror Trailers – (Oscars) marking Identify
Framework 1
conventions & Iconography & Semiotics
Horror mood board, Thinglink annotations
Class 2
Framework 1
Sub genres of horror presentation (Thinglink poster with iconography)
Stock Scenes and Stock Shot Types

Class 3
Framework 1
Teaser and Trailers Content analysis conventions of form (Variety of Genres) between them - (montage, titles, jump scare and Todorov narrative conventions)

In booklet: Individual analysis of 3 existing Horror Trailers in booklet (different subgenres)
Create an interactive mood board-poster 9 sub genres

Go Green: Buy and bring a folder, set up a blog, pad of A4, highlighter pens; booklets hole punched

Read over Genre Theorists: Burton and Neale and Metz – summarise their theories on your blog in 100 words

Revise for Terminology quiz on conventions and Theorists

Lecture 1: Iconic Horror Films 50s-60s Metz Genre Cycles Experimental
Lecture 2:  Iconic Horror Films 70s-80s Metz Genre Cycles Classic
Lecture 2: Iconic Horror Films 90s-2010s Metz Genre Cycles Parody & Deconstruction

Research the films in the booklet and find out why they are Iconic Horror films and Critically Recognized

Develop an idea for your summer Trailer to pitched in class (use booklet)

Find 3 films that are influential and develop your own idea
Identify and source 12 pieces of footage of genre set pieces and iconography for your Mash Up Trailer

Read over Narrative Theorists: Todorov, Levi Strauss and Barthes – summarise their theories on your blog in 100 words

Revise for Terminology quiz on conventions and Theorists

Class 1
Basic Final Cut Edit workshop
Re-make a Horror Trailer Titles Placement and Shutterstock footage – structure of Horror Trailers using cuts and fades to black

Class 2
Edit workshop
Re-make a Horror Trailer Titles Placement and Shutterstock footage
Class 3
Sound editing (Garageband to score an existing Horror sequence workshop)

Develop Treatment for idea for a Horror Film drawing on 3 existing films as influences – find a suitable Horror location (recce) and present in lesson (this will be filmed over summer) create a mock poster using template
Prep: Read over notes on Subtexts, Final Girl and Scream Queens (Clover, Dobbs & Mulvey, Phallic, Yonic)

Put together pitch with 3 films drawn from
Class 1

Class 2
Framework 2
Theoretical Analysis of Horrors:
Subtexts & Semiotics
Class 3
Framework 3
Are Horror Films Misogynistic?
Feminism Theoretical Analysis of Horrors
Summer Work
1. Swede of an influential horror film trailer, shoot and edit on Splice or shoot your own idea

2. Complete Booklet for assessment and groupings Prepare pitch outline for your own individual idea for film

3. Individual Location Research – video selfie of a location & risk assess
Prep: watch instructional video on Youtube how to create supernatural effects with Jump Cuts (Melies and student work)