Friday 26 February 2016

1980s Moral Panics, Scapegoating and Video Nasties - Historical BBFC Case Study (answers below)

C - examine & discuss significant facts - social/political changes and debates
B - analyse effects theory and debates in both Case Studies
A - justify the EXTENT that changes in regulation are impacted/effected by Social Changes using theory to back up your OPINION 

Should there be such a thing as censorship of films?

Task 1: categorise the following under the correct context and Mind Map example


-Conservative government sought to protect

-Videos being distributed by cornershops, market traders and garages
-The covers on the boxes often more grusome than the content
-Regulated videos to have age restrictions by BBFC
-Moral Panic created by Media the term: 'video nasties'

-Government Censorship & Police Raids on VHS dealers
-Riots and civil unrest, unemployment and recession

- Moral Campaign against video nasties; Mary Whitehouse (NVLA), Margaret Thatcher, the media and the BBFC.
-The above mentioned scapegoated the video nasties for immoral behaviour which led to a moral panic
-Cinema attendance declined massively due to the rise of VHS
-Video Nasties like Evil Dead, I Spit On Your Grave and Driller Killer were realistic because they were low budget
-Video Nasties were niche films and really popular with teenagers due to controversy

-Video Nasties were exploited to explain responsibility for moral decline in society
-Watching video nasties helps put it in context of narrative, the campaigners did not actually watch them
-Video Nasties were made for distribution only via home-video
-Censorship or individual judgement?
- Video Nasties created diversity of films

- Video Recordings Act 1984, banned list 

Technology -  Home Video
Political/Social (audience & 1980's Britain)

Group 1.
The right-wing, pro-censorship response by groups such as the National Viewers and Listeners Association and conservative MPs who wanted the introduction of restrictive laws for access to films on video (MORAL PANIC and NANNY STATE)

Group 2. 
2. The popularity of home video technologies in the 80s and unregulated home video distributors regarding MEDIA EFFECTS THEORIES - hypodermic needle vs uses and gratifications, catharisis and active reading (neg, opp, pref)

Group 3. 
3. The moral panic about the uncensored Video Nasties and concerns unregulated video content and move to regulation of film in the home. 
MEDIA EFFECTS THEORIES - scapegoating, copycat, moral panic

Some basic resources to work through to help - split then across your teams - not all looking: watch from 6m 17s – 11m 34 s

Check Learning – Share your understanding across the team, this should take a about 30 mins to work through

Task 2
Share your findings with the class as Mentor pairs Mind Map on A3 using highlighters your shared knowledge: write the exam question in the middle and use the notes to write analysis pointsunder the contexts 

  • Technology influences
  • Political & Social influence
  • Theories
  • Argument/Debates
  • Was regulation effective?
  • How this compares to BBFC Case Studies today

Each Mentor team should have a MIND MAP with the 3 contexts from the all the above

This should take about 20 mins - photograph & upload the Mind Map to your blog

Task 3

New Information - Deeper analysis of the resources
Divide up the links between you as Mentor Partners 

Create Meaning - look for answers in the videos & articles
  1. What were the concerns around Home Video and regulation/censorship?
  2. What is a Video Nasty and why were they popular with audiences- What did these films have in common (Genre/Budget/Subject matter/Story)?
  3. Who were Margaret Thatcher & Mary Whitehouse and why were they relevant?
  4. How did Video Nasties become Political and how was this Moral Panic being exploited by the government?
  5. How did regulation change with changes in society - liberal or conservative?
  6. Which OPPOSING theories most accurately outlines the DEBATE on this Case Study on Video Nasties?
Task 4
In your Mentor Teams work your way through the documentaries (seperately) & questions - this should take 30 mins with 10 minutes to share across Teams of 4

Prepare an argument: Critical reviews of Banned Video Nasties
Each team of 4 take a different Case Study from the films below

For the following Video Nasties read over the plot summary imdb or wikipedia – outline the content, watch the trailers - why do you think this one in particular banned?

How have these Video Nasties been critically received over time, what films did these directors go on to make?
What is your group's opinion - should these have been banned or censored?
What were the contextual reasons for these films being banned? 

Apply to demonstrate
Do you agree with the right-wing (conservative) decisions to censor or restrict access (regulate) tothese films? Justify your opinion with evidence from today and reference to one of the films.

Write your individual argument on your blog

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