Wednesday, 25 May 2016
Monday, 23 May 2016
Last week til exam 1. R&P
4 skills you developed from AS to A2
3 purposes of R&P (what it consists of and why)
2 ways R&P impacts on Creativity
8 terminology words linked to the missing 'Research' words
C------ A-------
T------ A-------
C: To analyse your development of skills in research and planning across the 2 years
B: To explain the impact of these skills on the creative success of your practical work
A: To evaluate and justify the extent that your R&P skills have influenced the development of your creativity, use of conventions or use of digital technology
G325 June 2010 39/50 Section A
I feel that my production skills from foundation to Advanced have greatly improved. My thriller opening sequence was about two men who prey on suicidal teenage girls on the internet, titled “Caught in the Web.” The men rape and murder their victims but frame it as a suicide, using the suicide support website (where they preyed on them) as evidence of this suicide. It is a dark enigmatic and gripping film which captivates the audience (according to my feedback). My music video (Advanced Portfolio) is to the song “Voodoo Child” originally by Rogue Traders, but our girlband uses the name The Vixens. We used 4 girls and our video transports the audience to the mind of the main girl, where her alter-egos (dressed as the deadly sins) corrupt her. It is a racy funky video that creates a strong band image.
My research for both projects included researching genre conventions (horror/thriller opening sequences such as “Se7en”, and electropop-rock/dance/glam music videos such as Lady Gaga and Katy Perry) and was expanded to include components that didn’t specifically relate to genre. For my thriller I researched films where they have internet conversations (as in our opening sequence, the girl is talking to who she thinks is an agony aunt over an internet forum) which led me to films including “The “The Holiday” and “Something’s Gotta Give”, showing me how to successfully change from filming the person typing the words on the screen and then reading their message aloud. I developed this skill in my music video research by looking at other media texts, not just other music videos. I started with trying to be inspired by original music video concepts such as Radiohead’s video for “Just” in which a man lies down in the street and the audience can’t hear what he’s saying to explain himself to passers by. This inspired me to create ambiguity in my video which differs from standard pop videos where a lot of the visuals illustrate the lyrics. I expanded my research to fashion magazines and photographs of different eras, since a major concept in this video was the power of women as confident, independent, sexual beings. Our costume was very important in constructing meaning and without in-depth research into the 7 deadly sins the audience would not have grasped why we had girls dressed in bold outfits to symbolise the sins; red, velvet leotard and back combed hair for “wrath”, a Marie Antoiinette inspred look of a pale blue and pink corset, white face make-up, an [cannot read text] with one long curled piece of hair, and a chunk of chocolate cake that signified “Greed”, a black corset with leather leggings to signify “Lust”, and a green dress, heavy green eye make up and glittery diamond jewellery connoting “Envy”.
I think that without doing research into character types, character costume, and genre conventions for my thriller I wouldn’t have known what to look for when researching for my music video because they can be so abstract and there aren’t many constraints. I also learned to be open minded.
Since I was one of the performers in our music video, it pushed me to think more practically – our ideas had to be creative yet do-able on our small budget and time constraints. After watching several videos on YouTube of thriller opening sequences and music videos I realised that it is good to have layered meaning a production because it makes it more interesting for the audience as it challenges them to come up with their own interpretations and gives the production playability. In the Thriller project, after researching storylines and narrative themes, my group and I had a strong idea of what our film was about. Despite the fact we created enigma, we still wanted the audience to understand our dominant reading, however in my music video, I realised that it is better to- people to have different interpretations as I found that the most popular current music videos are those that are quirky, different and weird, like Lady GaGa.
In conclusion my foundation portfolio greatly aided my advanced portfolio because my skills were refined and I have produced an ever better end product.
EG 8
T 4
Sunday, 15 May 2016
Post Production & Digital Technology
Objective: To consider the development of your skills in using digital technology across the 2 years and the effect or impact this has had on your creativity/cultural expectations
C: To analyse your development of skills in using digital media technology across the 2 years
B: To explain the impact of these skills on the creative success of your practical work
A: To evaluate and justify the extent that your use of digital media technology have influenced or effected the development of your creativity
Into room - Where is sit/who to sit with?
1. List 3 DTs @ AS (skills)
2. List 3 DTs @ A2 (skills)
3. 3 things that DTs allow you to do as a producer (think creativity)
4. 1 x Pro of doing DTP @ AS
5. 1 x Con of doing DTP @ A2
6. 2 challenges to question 3/reliance on DTP
Starter: Hyper-reality = Augmented Reality = Fake
Discussion - what are the benefits and drawback of being surrounded by Digital Technology?
D Grade
What is digital technology?
AS to A2 skills, then examples of specific use of them - create a diagram with commentary
C grade
Answer question below to evaluate your development in using digital tech
Structure these as paragraphs P - E - Analysis of how you have developed

B grade:
Evaluate - what does it allow you to do -
- E--------t
- Change and make re------ to your idea (rough cut to final)
- Be more c------- using effects and sound to make it supernatural
- Rep------- (copy) existing conventions more easily
- Immediate a--ss to social networks to d--------e directly to your a------
- Allows you to become a pro----r
Weaknesses - style over substance, lacking ideas in favour of fixing it in the edit?
A grade: Hyper-reality
Which quote do you agree with?
Next Lesson Prep: Watch and take notes to create your own mind map (start at 9min 50 sec)
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
2 weeks to Exams Audience (same as Regulation Theories)
Prep Revision Resources: discussion point
1. Name the 5 Audience theorist
2. Name 5 Audience Theories
3. Which theories describe a Passive Audience
4. What are the 3 Readings
5. Which theory is linked to the Jamie Bulger or Video Nasties Case Study in regulation
5. Which theory is linked to the Jamie Bulger or Video Nasties Case Study in regulation
6. Why do the content of Horror film specifically relate to these theories?
Sunday, 8 May 2016
3 Weeks until exams - Media Language
What do these Tropes mean, what happens when the sign looses meaning?
1. Name the Key Media Language theorist
2. What 2 words explain Semiotics?
3. What are the 4 codes of Semiotics
4. What is a Phallic object and what could it signify in a Horror?
5. What is a Yonic object and what could it signify in Horror?
6. What do eyes signify in Horrors?
7. What do mirrors signify in Horrors?
8. What does a handheld camera signify?
9. What does darkness signify?
10. What does screaming signify?
Revision Task: Essay
Introduction Theorist: "Horror films use established signs and codes in their conventions to signify deeper my A2 Horror Trailer...X connotes Y."
"Repetition of these signs become Horror genre conventions, however overuse results in taking away the signified (the meaning) and you are left with just the sign - the visual style rather than producing any subtext or meaning."
"Repetition of these signs become Horror genre conventions, however overuse results in taking away the signified (the meaning) and you are left with just the sign - the visual style rather than producing any subtext or meaning."
Symbolic Codes
Technical Codes
Written Codes
Audio Codes
P1 Theory: Symbolic Codes - what, where and how? (C)
Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
Denotation and Connotation reading in your Trailer and the message (A)
P2 Theory: Technical Codes - Camera - what, where and how? (C)
P3 Theory: Technical Codes - Editing - what, where and how? (C)
Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
Denotation and Connotation reading in your Trailer and the message (A)
P3 Theory: Technical Codes - Editing - what, where and how? (C)
Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
Denotation and Connotation reading in your Trailer and the message (A)
P4 Theory: Audio Codes - what, where and how? (C)
Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
Denotation and Connotation reading in your Trailer and the message (A)
P5 Theory: Written Codes - what, where and how? (C)
Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
Denotation and Connotation reading in your Trailer and the message (A)
Theorists: Barthes
Paragraph Plan:
Point - Apply the theory and it's terms, consider how much your Trailer uses/can apply the Theory (do not explain the theory)
Example - Specific description and examination of your trailer - how you have 'build' or shown this theory aspect (ie: Character MES or presented the disruption visually on screen)
Explanation/Analysis - How does the Trailer 'function' or 'work' using this theory, what Meaning or Messages does this reveal?
Plenary: Pictionary - signs denotation & connotation
Thursday, 5 May 2016
Homework for next week
Prep: revise using ACTIVE techniques the 4 or 5 Theorists for Media Language.
Mind map using Popplet screen grabs from your trailers of where these theories can be applied and analysed
Be prepared for Starter Test next lesson.
Homework: 1 hour timed essay on Regulation question. Choose your own question from here
Use the PEE structure we have been using in the grids and include theory to back up your points
Here is a simplified and rough plan for you to follow
THIS WILL BE THE LAST REGULATION ESSAY SET - make the most of the opportunity to receive feedback
Here is the structure for your intro:
1. Regulation is about c------ of what?
2. Therefore, we have regulation for what reasons a), b), c)
3. In the past, pr----- the public from what and for what purpose?
4. As a concept Regulation is a c--------- issue and a cons-------- action.
4. Reason for Regulation in 2015/16? D---------- rather than M---- S--------
5. Changes in how we regulate and regulatory practices - Cer----------, Cen-------, Wa-------, Ba----, more li----- ?
6. Arguments are about fr----- vs c------,
7. Boil it down - the main argument
Mind map using Popplet screen grabs from your trailers of where these theories can be applied and analysed
Be prepared for Starter Test next lesson.
Homework: 1 hour timed essay on Regulation question. Choose your own question from here
Use the PEE structure we have been using in the grids and include theory to back up your points
Here is a simplified and rough plan for you to follow
THIS WILL BE THE LAST REGULATION ESSAY SET - make the most of the opportunity to receive feedback
Here is the structure for your intro:
1. Regulation is about c------ of what?
2. Therefore, we have regulation for what reasons a), b), c)
3. In the past, pr----- the public from what and for what purpose?
4. As a concept Regulation is a c--------- issue and a cons-------- action.
4. Reason for Regulation in 2015/16? D---------- rather than M---- S--------
5. Changes in how we regulate and regulatory practices - Cer----------, Cen-------, Wa-------, Ba----, more li----- ?
6. Arguments are about fr----- vs c------,
7. Boil it down - the main argument
Monday, 2 May 2016
4 weeks left until exam
What you are doing this lesson: revising and applying 4 theories of representation to your Horror Trailer
Introduction Theorist: "Representation Horror films because...?"
'The Monster' - it's function and purpose in a horror? (Theory 1)
P1 Theory: Scream Queens or Male Gaze - Who, where and how? (C)
P4 Theory: Hegemony & Teen Punishment - Who, where, which and how? (C)
P5 Theory: The Monster or Other Who, where, which and how? (C)
Theorists: Neale, Clover, Mulvey, Gramsci, Berger, Dobbs, Derry
Paragraph Plan:
Point - Apply the theory and it's terms, consider how much your Trailer uses/can apply the Theory (do not explain the theory)
Example - Specific description and examination of your trailer - how you have 'build' or shown this theory aspect (ie: Character MES or presented the disruption visually on screen)
Explanation/Analysis - How does the Trailer 'function' or 'work' using this theory, what Meaning or Messages does this reveal? Is it aiming to be more complex, realistic, unpredictable?
Starter: are horror films sexist, Misogynist, Feminist or Post Feminist?
D) define and describe the terms
C) examine the reasons from the video
B) apply the terms to your Trailer to give examples
A) Evaluate the strength and weaknesses of YOUR Trailer in being either Patriarchal, Misogynist, Feminist or Post-Feminist.
Match em up
- Mulvey
- Berger
- Dobbs
- Clover
- Derry
- Paffenroth
- Neale
(Male Gaze Feminist position)
(Men Act, Women Appear)
(Scream Queens)
(Final Girl & Post-Feminist Position)
(Gender, Religion & Sexuality)
(Monster metaphors for Society)
D. Identify, categorise and define 4 Representation theories
D. Identify, categorise and define 4 Representation theories
C. Examine own trailers for examples theory
B. Apply the theory to your trailer by comparing with RMT
A. Explain the meaning/readings of representation of gender and age and the messages in your trailer
1. Name 5 Representation theorists
2. Give 3 examples of Horror Monsters that represent Sexuality
3. Give 1 word for each of the above 3 to describe what they represent
4. What are the 4 stereotypes of teen in a horror?
5. Give an example of a Final Girl from a horror film
6. Name the theorist
7. Name 3 horror films that represent Religion Punishment
Revision Task: Use the resources and your essays from September to Create Top Trump Cards for each theorist.
Credibility (?/5)
Summary of Theory
Horror Trailer Relevance (?/5)
Introduction Theorist: "Representation Horror films because...?"
'The Monster' - it's function and purpose in a horror? (Theory 1)
Patriarchy & Mysogeny, Feminist or Post-Feminist?
Sexuality and Religeon?
Teen Punishment for breaking social rules eg sex = death (metaphor for the loss of innocence)
P1 Theory: Scream Queens or Male Gaze - Who, where and how? (C)
Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
Evaluate the strength and limits of the theory reading in your Trailer and the message (A)
P2 Theory: The Final Girl - Who, where and how? (C)
P3 Theory: Religeon and Sexuality - Who, where and how? (C)
Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
Evaluate the strength and limits of the theory reading in your Trailer and the message (A)
P3 Theory: Religeon and Sexuality - Who, where and how? (C)
Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
Evaluate the strength and limits of the theory reading in your Trailer and the message (A)
P4 Theory: Hegemony & Teen Punishment - Who, where, which and how? (C)
Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
Evaluate the strength and limits of the theory reading in your Trailer and the message (A)
P5 Theory: The Monster or Other Who, where, which and how? (C)
Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
Evaluate the strength and limits of the theory reading in your Trailer and the message (A)
Theorists: Neale, Clover, Mulvey, Gramsci, Berger, Dobbs, Derry
Paragraph Plan:
Point - Apply the theory and it's terms, consider how much your Trailer uses/can apply the Theory (do not explain the theory)
Example - Specific description and examination of your trailer - how you have 'build' or shown this theory aspect (ie: Character MES or presented the disruption visually on screen)
Explanation/Analysis - How does the Trailer 'function' or 'work' using this theory, what Meaning or Messages does this reveal? Is it aiming to be more complex, realistic, unpredictable?
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