What do these Tropes mean, what happens when the sign looses meaning?
1. Name the Key Media Language theorist
2. What 2 words explain Semiotics?
3. What are the 4 codes of Semiotics
4. What is a Phallic object and what could it signify in a Horror?
5. What is a Yonic object and what could it signify in Horror?
6. What do eyes signify in Horrors?
7. What do mirrors signify in Horrors?
8. What does a handheld camera signify?
9. What does darkness signify?
10. What does screaming signify?
Revision Task: Essay
Introduction Theorist: "Horror films use established signs and codes in their conventions to signify deeper meaning...in my A2 Horror Trailer...X connotes Y."
"Repetition of these signs become Horror genre conventions, however overuse results in taking away the signified (the meaning) and you are left with just the sign - the visual style rather than producing any subtext or meaning."
"Repetition of these signs become Horror genre conventions, however overuse results in taking away the signified (the meaning) and you are left with just the sign - the visual style rather than producing any subtext or meaning."
Symbolic Codes
Technical Codes
Written Codes
Audio Codes
P1 Theory: Symbolic Codes - what, where and how? (C)
Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
Denotation and Connotation reading in your Trailer and the message (A)
P2 Theory: Technical Codes - Camera - what, where and how? (C)
P3 Theory: Technical Codes - Editing - what, where and how? (C)
Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
Denotation and Connotation reading in your Trailer and the message (A)
P3 Theory: Technical Codes - Editing - what, where and how? (C)
Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
Denotation and Connotation reading in your Trailer and the message (A)
P4 Theory: Audio Codes - what, where and how? (C)
Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
Denotation and Connotation reading in your Trailer and the message (A)
P5 Theory: Written Codes - what, where and how? (C)
Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
Denotation and Connotation reading in your Trailer and the message (A)
Theorists: Barthes
Paragraph Plan:
Point - Apply the theory and it's terms, consider how much your Trailer uses/can apply the Theory (do not explain the theory)
Example - Specific description and examination of your trailer - how you have 'build' or shown this theory aspect (ie: Character MES or presented the disruption visually on screen)
Explanation/Analysis - How does the Trailer 'function' or 'work' using this theory, what Meaning or Messages does this reveal?
Plenary: Pictionary - signs denotation & connotation
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