Monday, 2 May 2016

4 weeks left until exam

What you are doing this lesson: revising and applying 4 theories of representation to your Horror Trailer

Starter: are horror films sexist, Misogynist, Feminist or Post Feminist?

D) define and describe the terms
C) examine the reasons from the video
B) apply the terms to your Trailer to give examples
A) Evaluate the strength and weaknesses of YOUR Trailer in being either Patriarchal, Misogynist, Feminist or Post-Feminist.

Match em up
  • Mulvey 
  • Berger 
  • Dobbs 
  • Clover 
  • Derry
  • Paffenroth 
  • Neale

(Male Gaze Feminist position)
(Men Act, Women Appear)
(Scream Queens)
(Final Girl & Post-Feminist Position)
(Gender, Religion & Sexuality)
(Monster metaphors for Society)


D. Identify, categorise and define 4 Representation theories
C. Examine own trailers for examples theory
B. Apply the theory to your trailer by comparing with RMT
A. Explain the meaning/readings of representation of gender and age and the messages in your trailer 

1. Name 5 Representation theorists
2. Give 3 examples of Horror Monsters that represent Sexuality
3. Give 1 word for each of the above 3 to describe what they represent 
4. What are the 4 stereotypes of teen in a horror?
5. Give an example of a Final Girl from a horror film
6. Name the theorist
7. Name 3 horror films that represent Religion Punishment

Revision Task: Use the resources and your essays from September to Create Top Trump Cards for each theorist.

Credibility (?/5)
Summary of Theory
Horror Trailer Relevance (?/5)

Introduction Theorist: "Representation Horror films because...?"
'The Monster' - it's function and purpose in a horror? (Theory 1)
Patriarchy & Mysogeny, Feminist or Post-Feminist?
Sexuality and Religeon?
Teen Punishment for breaking social rules eg sex = death (metaphor for the loss of innocence)

P1 Theory: Scream Queens or Male Gaze - Who, where and how? (C) 
Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
Evaluate the strength and limits of the theory reading in your Trailer and the message (A)

P2 Theory: The Final Girl - Who, where and how? (C) 
Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
Evaluate the strength and limits of the theory reading in your Trailer and the message (A)

P3 Theory: Religeon and Sexuality - Who, where and how? (C) 
Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
Evaluate the strength and limits of the theory reading in your Trailer and the message (A)

P4 Theory: Hegemony & Teen Punishment - Who, where, which and how? (C) 
Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
Evaluate the strength and limits of the theory reading in your Trailer and the message (A)

P5 Theory: The Monster or Other Who, where, which and how? (C) 

Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
Evaluate the strength and limits of the theory reading in your Trailer and the message (A)

Theorists: Neale, Clover, Mulvey, Gramsci, Berger, Dobbs, Derry

Paragraph Plan:
Point - Apply the theory and it's terms, consider how much your Trailer uses/can apply the Theory (do not explain the theory)

Example - Specific description and examination of your trailer - how you have 'build' or shown this theory aspect (ie: Character MES or presented the disruption visually on screen)

Explanation/Analysis - How does the Trailer 'function' or 'work' using this theory, what Meaning or Messages does this reveal? Is it aiming to be more complex, realistic, unpredictable?


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