Wednesday, 26 April 2017

5.3 Q1b 4 weeks left - Representation

D) define and describe the terms
C) examine the reasons from the video
B) apply the terms to your Trailer to give examples
A) Evaluate the strength and weaknesses of YOUR Trailer in being either Patriarchal, Misogynist, Feminist or Post-Feminist.

Revision Lesson Link

Prep: Q1b Representation

1. Revise 5 Representation Theorist from your notes

2. Resources from lesson (see links within the blog post and the PPT at the end)

3. Test yourself on Theories, Theorists and Terminology

5.2 Q1b 5 weeks left Narrative Revision (Cover work)

D. Identify, categorise and define 4 theories
C. Examine own trailers for theory
B. Explain the meaning and purpose of following/breaking narrative conventions

A. Justify extent your work conforms to these theories (postmodernism)

Original Learning Resources (if you have forgotten notes)

Starter Quiz: solve it in Pairs - which 4 theories do the 4 videos below demonstrate? Which Theorists?


I will test you when I return on Monday

(Before your start, see 1st video for theories and quick recap)

Main Task: Complete the Grid, time yourselves 7.5 minutes per section

1. Write up the essay in 30 minutes without notes

2. Test yourselves using the Narrative Terminology wheel

Friday, 21 April 2017

5.1 Q1b 6 weeks left - Revision Lesson Genre

Theory match em up Quiz and Theorists Resources 

Objective: to examine genre theories and how they apply to your Horror coursework trailer

C grade: apply the theory (not explain it) with reference to examples from your production 

B grade: analyse your horror with detailed examples to explain how genre theory is constructed through technical (MES, Cam, Edit, Sound) 

A grade: evaluate the extent theories apply to your production (challenge, conform or develop) and justify the meaning produced with detailed examples  

Resource 1

Resource 2

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

5.2 Q1a Skills - Creativity & R&P 5 weeks to go


Objective: To recall and apply ideas of creativity to examples of your research and planning skills over 2 years

A To evaluate the relationship between Creativity and R&P in your development
B To compare the development of your R&P skills
C To analyse 3 of your coursework products for examples of R&P skills, and their impact on the work
D To identify 3 R&P skills

Graded Essay Plan
How have you developed in your Research & Planning skills across the 2 years in terms of your:
(i)   Understanding of purpose of Research & its effect on Creativity
(ii)  Understanding of following conventions
(iii) Understanding of making a product to meet the expectations of a Target Audience

Paragraph 1
P1 - AS Preliminary R&P & Planning
E1 - Given template/no R&P/no planning
A1 - Basic skills and understanding, generic copying & imitation, given template not own drafts - structure  
S1 - How did this lack of skill limit your Creativity?

Paragraph 2
P2 - AS Music Mag
E2 - What you did/looked at/found out
A2 - How thorough, wide, purposeful and what level of understanding of purpose or why these are conventions?
S2 - How did this skill develop (or lack of limit) your Creativity?

Paragraph 3
P3 - A2 Film Trailer
E3 - What you did/looked at/found out
A3 - How thorough, wide, purposeful and what level of understanding of purpose or why these are conventions?
S3 - How has this shown development across the 2 years?

Paragraph 4
P4 - AS Music Mag Planning to A2 Music Video
E4 - What you did do?
A4 - How was this based on understanding of purpose or conventions from Research & How has this changed?
S4 - How has this shown development across the 2 years?


How have you developed as a Creative Media Producer in the Post Modern Age through R&P?

E Grade
1. Describe what you made at each stage and what you did (ie R or P) (were you were given this to look at or you independently chose to)
2. What Magazines/Film Trailers/Posters did you look at?

D grade
3. What was the research or planning activity you did & what was the purpose?
4. What elements did you identify in your research or did you incorporate into your planning?

C grade
5. What is the purpose of these elements? (Understanding)
6. How did you use them (Copy or challenge?)

B grade
7. How successfully did this research underpin your work
8. How did you develop this skill from AS to A2 - how thorough or experienced?

A grade
9. Introduction & Conclusion
How have you developed as a Creative Media Producer in the Post Modern Age?

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

5.1 6 weeks to go - Homework Regulation Apply Theory

Discuss the need for Media Regulation

Task - Write up a Mini-essay using your class notes on this weeks question. Time your selves you have 45 minutes left of exam time:

Introduction (1. Definition & Regulators; 2. The points you will address and 3. your Thesis)

3 x Body Paragraphs (inc Historical reference - P - E - A)

Conclusion (1. Summary of the main points 2 Summary of your argument with 3. Future Prediction)

Apply the theories below in your 'A' section

Lesson Plan

Objective: To compare and apply theoretical perspective to regulation exam question

D - outline and describe the theorist, theory and describe how it applies to the Case Study

C - compare 2 opposing theories and apply to the debate/issues

B - balance and explain the points from the case studies using theory (discredit and support your argument)

A - justify your answer using theory having balanced the debates and provide a future prediction

Recap Activity/Resources

5.1 Prep Work - Revision for Q1b Genre

List 5 examples from your Trailer for each Theory you plan to use - screen grab the image from your trailer & write 30 words for each explaining how your work can be read (meaning) using this approach (theory)

Revise and memorise the terminology and Theorists.