1. Revise 5 Representation Theorist from your notes 2. Resources from lesson (see links within the blog post and the PPT at the end) 3. Test yourself on Theories, Theorists and Terminology http://ctkmediaa2horror.blogspot.co.uk/2015/09/httpswww.html
Starter Quiz: solve it in Pairs - which 4 theories do the 4 videos below demonstrate? Which Theorists? Todorov Barthes Domaille Levi-Strauss Propp I will test you when I return on Monday (Before your start, see 1st video for theories and quick recap)
Main Task: Complete the Grid, time yourselves 7.5 minutes per section Homework: 1. Write up the essay in 30 minutes without notes 2. Test yourselves using the Narrative Terminology wheel
Objective: to examine genre theories and how they apply to your Horror coursework trailer C grade: apply the theory (not explain it) with reference to examples from your production B grade: analyse your horror with detailed examples to explain how genre theory is constructed through technical (MES, Cam, Edit, Sound) A grade: evaluate the extent theories apply to your production (challenge, conform or develop) and justify the meaning produced with detailed examples Resource 1 Resource 2
Resources http://ctkmediaa2horror.blogspot.co.uk/2015/11/10-q1a-research-planning.html Objective: To recall and apply ideas of creativity to examples of your research and planning skills over 2 years A To evaluate the relationship between Creativity and R&P in your development B To compare the development of your R&P skills C To analyse 3 of your coursework products for examples of R&P skills, and their impact on the work ----- D To identify 3 R&P skills
http://ctkmediaa2horror.blogspot.co.uk/2016/05/last-week-til-exam-1-r.html Graded Essay Plan Introduction How have you developed in your Research & Planning skills across the 2 years in terms of your: (i) Understanding of purpose of Research & its effect on Creativity AND (ii) Understanding of following conventions OR (iii) Understanding of making a product to meet the expectations of a Target Audience Paragraph 1 P1 - AS Preliminary R&P & Planning E1 - Given template/no R&P/no planning A1 - Basic skills and understanding, generic copying & imitation, given template not own drafts - structure S1 - How did this lack of skill limit your Creativity?
Paragraph 2 P2 - AS Music Mag E2 - What you did/looked at/found out A2 - How thorough, wide, purposeful and what level of understanding of purpose or why these are conventions? S2 - How did this skill develop (or lack of limit) your Creativity?
Paragraph 3 P3 - A2 Film Trailer E3 - What you did/looked at/found out A3 - How thorough, wide, purposeful and what level of understanding of purpose or why these are conventions? S3 - How has this shown development across the 2 years?
Paragraph 4
P4 - AS Music Mag Planning to A2 Music Video E4 - What you did do?
A4 - How was this based on understanding of purpose or conventions from Research & How has this changed?
S4 - How has this shown development across the 2 years?
How have you developed as a Creative Media Producer in the Post Modern Age through R&P? E Grade 1. Describe what you made at each stage and what you did (ie R or P) (were you were given this to look at or you independently chose to) 2. What Magazines/Film Trailers/Posters did you look at?
D grade 3. What was the research or planning activity you did & what was the purpose? 4. What elements did you identify in your research or did you incorporate into your planning? C grade 5. What is the purpose of these elements? (Understanding) 6. How did you use them (Copy or challenge?) B grade 7. How successfully did this research underpin your work 8. How did you develop this skill from AS to A2 - how thorough or experienced? A grade 9. Introduction & Conclusion How have you developed as a Creative Media Producer in the Post Modern Age? http://ctkmediaa2horror.blogspot.co.uk/2015/11/51-intro-to-hands-exam-creativity.html
Discuss the need for Media Regulation Task - Write up a Mini-essay using your class notes on this weeks question. Time your selves you have 45 minutes left of exam time: Introduction (1. Definition & Regulators; 2. The points you will address and 3. your Thesis) 3 x Body Paragraphs (inc Historical reference - P - E - A) Conclusion (1. Summary of the main points 2 Summary of your argument with 3. Future Prediction) Apply the theories below in your 'A' section Lesson Plan http://ctkmediaa2horror.blogspot.co.uk/2016/04/7-weeks-to-go-theoretical-recap.html
Objective: To compare and apply theoretical perspective to regulation exam question D - outline and describe the theorist, theory and describe how it applies to the Case Study C - compare 2 opposing theories and apply to the debate/issues B - balance and explain the points from the case studies using theory (discredit and support your argument) A - justify your answer using theory having balanced the debates and provide a future prediction Recap Activity/Resources http://ctkmediaa2horror.blogspot.co.uk/2016/03/week-23-theoretical-recap-apply-to-case.html
http://ctkmediaa2horror.blogspot.co.uk/2016/04/6-weeks-to-go-genre-q1b.html List 5 examples from your Trailer for each Theory you plan to use - screen grab the image from your trailer & write 30 words for each explaining how your work can be read (meaning) using this approach (theory) Revise and memorise the terminology and Theorists.