Wednesday, 19 April 2017

5.2 Q1a Skills - Creativity & R&P 5 weeks to go


Objective: To recall and apply ideas of creativity to examples of your research and planning skills over 2 years

A To evaluate the relationship between Creativity and R&P in your development
B To compare the development of your R&P skills
C To analyse 3 of your coursework products for examples of R&P skills, and their impact on the work
D To identify 3 R&P skills

Graded Essay Plan
How have you developed in your Research & Planning skills across the 2 years in terms of your:
(i)   Understanding of purpose of Research & its effect on Creativity
(ii)  Understanding of following conventions
(iii) Understanding of making a product to meet the expectations of a Target Audience

Paragraph 1
P1 - AS Preliminary R&P & Planning
E1 - Given template/no R&P/no planning
A1 - Basic skills and understanding, generic copying & imitation, given template not own drafts - structure  
S1 - How did this lack of skill limit your Creativity?

Paragraph 2
P2 - AS Music Mag
E2 - What you did/looked at/found out
A2 - How thorough, wide, purposeful and what level of understanding of purpose or why these are conventions?
S2 - How did this skill develop (or lack of limit) your Creativity?

Paragraph 3
P3 - A2 Film Trailer
E3 - What you did/looked at/found out
A3 - How thorough, wide, purposeful and what level of understanding of purpose or why these are conventions?
S3 - How has this shown development across the 2 years?

Paragraph 4
P4 - AS Music Mag Planning to A2 Music Video
E4 - What you did do?
A4 - How was this based on understanding of purpose or conventions from Research & How has this changed?
S4 - How has this shown development across the 2 years?


How have you developed as a Creative Media Producer in the Post Modern Age through R&P?

E Grade
1. Describe what you made at each stage and what you did (ie R or P) (were you were given this to look at or you independently chose to)
2. What Magazines/Film Trailers/Posters did you look at?

D grade
3. What was the research or planning activity you did & what was the purpose?
4. What elements did you identify in your research or did you incorporate into your planning?

C grade
5. What is the purpose of these elements? (Understanding)
6. How did you use them (Copy or challenge?)

B grade
7. How successfully did this research underpin your work
8. How did you develop this skill from AS to A2 - how thorough or experienced?

A grade
9. Introduction & Conclusion
How have you developed as a Creative Media Producer in the Post Modern Age?

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