Tuesday, 18 April 2017

5.1 6 weeks to go - Homework Regulation Apply Theory

Discuss the need for Media Regulation

Task - Write up a Mini-essay using your class notes on this weeks question. Time your selves you have 45 minutes left of exam time:

Introduction (1. Definition & Regulators; 2. The points you will address and 3. your Thesis)

3 x Body Paragraphs (inc Historical reference - P - E - A)

Conclusion (1. Summary of the main points 2 Summary of your argument with 3. Future Prediction)

Apply the theories below in your 'A' section

Lesson Plan http://ctkmediaa2horror.blogspot.co.uk/2016/04/7-weeks-to-go-theoretical-recap.html

Objective: To compare and apply theoretical perspective to regulation exam question

D - outline and describe the theorist, theory and describe how it applies to the Case Study

C - compare 2 opposing theories and apply to the debate/issues

B - balance and explain the points from the case studies using theory (discredit and support your argument)

A - justify your answer using theory having balanced the debates and provide a future prediction

Recap Activity/Resources

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