- How much was your own production influenced by existing texts?
- Why follow conventions? Think about the relationship with audiences here.
- Which conventions did you follow?
- To what extent did you not follow existing conventions?
- What was the impact on creativity and delivering a product for an audience?
- Was this intentional and what were you hoping to achieve/was the result by breaking some of the conventions?
- To what extent did following conventions limit your own creativity?
Essay Plan
"Explain how significant were the Conventions of Real Media Texts in your development of creativity across your 2 years of production work."
(i) Conventions as 'rules' have purpose - they can be followed or broken - why/reasons?
(ii) Audience expectations of repeated conventions - how successful in meeting them or being original?
(iii) Semiotics - conventions have meaning denotation & connotation - did you understand this
Paragraph 1
"In AS, my brief was…..to complete this successfully I had to identify conventions in magazine relating to :
- Layout and structure (Positioning of Masthead, Pace of edits, use of titles etc)
- Use of images & text (pose, costume, props,lighting)
- Semiotics (especially in relation to colour)
- Genre (Rock, Hip Hop, Horror)
- Representation (sub-culture of music, what the monster symbolises)
(discuss these points adding relevant detail and using as much terminology as possible)
REFER TO EXISTING EXAMPLES YOU LOOKED AT AND HOW THEY USE THESE CONVENTIONS (For instance, "looking at Kerrang! Magazine a rock music magazine, their house style uses a black and red colour scheme and a cut out punk style font, which gives connotations of the music genre.")
"I used these conventions in the following ways...in order to..." (Give details about how your design followed conventions. Explain if your work departed from conventions in some way. Try to discuss why following conventions is important in terms of the text’s relationship with the audience.)
Paragraph 2:
"In my Year 13 film promotion exercise, I made a trailer and to do this identified a number of key conventions….of Trailers...of the Horror genre..."(explain what they were).
Discuss to what extent you conformed to, used, developed or challenged these conventions in your work. Use lots of detail and refer to existing examples that influenced you to compare to your production (but remember to keep the focus on what you have made).
Think about:
- Shot duration
- Number of cuts
- Narrative Structure (no resolution)
- Use of Title Slates
- Pace of the cuts and use of transitions (fades etc)
- Horror Mise-en-scene (blood, low key lighting, haunted houses or isolated locations, costume, make up etc)
- Stock scenes (dragged into darkness)
- Sound
- Representation of characters
Paragraph 3:
How you have developed as a Creative producer in you understanding and skills in using or breaking conventions of RMT.
(i) Conventions as 'rules' have purpose - they can be followed or broken - why/reasons?
(ii) Audience expectations of repeated conventions - how successful in meeting them or being original?
(iii) Semiotics - conventions have meaning denotation & connotation - did you understand this
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