Monday, 30 January 2017

3.6 Case Study 1: Historical Reference (BBFC and Video Nasties)

Starter: (answers below)

C - examine & discuss significant facts - social/political changes and debates
B - analyse effects theory and debates in both Case Studies
A - justify the EXTENT that changes in regulation are impacted/effected by Social Changes using theory to back up your OPINION 

Should there be such a thing as censorship of films?

Task 1: categorise the following under the correct context and Mind Map example


Apply the Terms:
  • Mary Whitehouse (National Listeners and Viewers Association)
  • Obscene Publications Act 
  • Video Recordings Act
  • Censorship - Pre-emptive, Direct or In-direct
  • Procative/Reactive Regulation
  • Statutory/Self-Regulation
  • Conservative Government
  • Classification
  • Imitable Behaviour
  • Moral Panic
Consider: Historical Reference Case Study: 1980s Video Nasties



Plenary: Who is this and why is she important?

Snuff Box BBFC 'by the few, for the masses'
1:54 start

ACTIVITY: Map out the debates with discussion debate points:
    1. Using the article for prep work, highlight key points

    2. also look at the following Timeline 

    3. and the Guidelines for certification 


    Newson: to protect vulnerable audiences young people are impressionable and may imitate or disassociate reality

    Y controversial content can lead to desensitisation or a loss of moral norms, capacity for compassion

    Y deregulation slippery slope by making content permissible we condone its place in society ie rape

    Y film makers have to keep pushing the boundaries of taste further to be controversial 'hype' HC2


    Adorno who is protecting who from what BBFC 'by the few, for the masses'Uses & gratifications audience watch for a number of reasons ie catharsis

    N Stuart hall oppositional and negotiated readings

    N Is regulation and restriction even possible anymore when content is online & global

    N the context or intention of the message may justify the content?

    Extension: Use the resources in the PPTs below to develop you theoretical argument


    1. Can we still protect the vulnerable in contemporary society? 

    2. Is still appropriate to have an official regulator (think about who regulates) - what are some of the issues with this?

    3. Which has proven to be more effective - Statutory (Legal), self-regulating (Industry/Individual)

    4. How has Film regulation changed over time? 

    Monday, 23 January 2017

    3.4 Evaluation Q2 (first section) due 5/2/17


    What is synergy
    What is the importance of Brand Identity
    What marketing opportunities do Horror Films offer?

    A: Evaluate the success of the Brand Identity, Marketing and Synergy of your campaign 

    B: Explain WHY you have designed your campaign to create synergy, consistency in brand identity and marketing opportunities, and HOW this is effective in comparison to existing Horror Campaigns. 

    C: Analyse HOW you have designed consistent and recognisable brand identity across the 3 products through use of font, colour and iconography in your design, and how they link to your Marketing and Synergy

    D: Define and Create examples of Synergy, Convergence and Marketing for your campaign that link to the Brand Identity

    E: Identify aspects of Branding with visual examples from your work

    L4 exemplars 
    L4 exemplar:

    3.4 Prep: Article (conservative bias & Mediawatch) & Exemplar

    1. Read the following 2 articles

    Answer the following questions to produce 2 x Thesis statement (200 words each)

    1. How effective is Film and TV regulation in the Netflix era?

    2. Should society or the individual or an educated elite decide what is a appropriate level of sex and violence to expose children to

    ***Give an outline of the debates supporting and conflicting with your opinion***

    2. Read the following exemplar examination essay

    Cut up the answer and paste the sections on a blog post, categorise under 
    1. General definition, information
    2. Specific points/debates
    3. Thesis statement
    4. Point
    5. Evidence/Case Study Example
    6. Analysis/Argument
    7. Theory
    8. Historical Context
    9. Future Prediction

    3.5 Lesson and Homework - Research into Regulatory Bodies (Video's Presentations next Wednesday)

    Lesson Plan:

    Each table (4) is given one regulatory body (Ofcom, BBFC, PCC, ASA or PEGI). They must research (history, purpose, effectiveness) + also prepare a class presentation. 


    Objective: To research and outline the History, Purpose and Effectiveness of a UK media regulatory body.

    A to consider social context (ie desentisation) and justify the effectiveness of the regulator
    B to analyse the history of the regulator and case studies for arguments for and against
    C apply terminology and extract significant information with case study examples

    What you have to do

    Research your allocated regulatory body (OFCOM, BBFC, PEGI, PCC/ASA) and prepare a class presentation (in Prezi) with a handout for the other students.

    You must research their

    • History (Timeline of key events)
    • Purpose
    • Effectiveness
    • Key Case Studies in its history (including relevant video footage)

    Your presentation must answer the following questions:

    • What are the origins of the regulator and why was it brought in?
    • What are it's aims - how have these changed and why?
    • What regulatory practice does it take and how does it make it's decisions?
    • What are the arguments for and against its form of regulation?
    • How effective is the body? (Pros and Cons plus conclusion)

    You must also apply the terminology we have been learning

    • Statutory or Self-regulation
    • Pro-active or Reactive
    • Regulatory Practices

    Presentations will be next Tuesday - they will be video'd for revision purposes
    This will be FSA 3.2

    General Changes to Regulation (Historical Context) 





    Pegi from ctkmedia


    Thursday, 19 January 2017

    3.3 Prep Work for Tues/Weds

    Objective: To be able to use correct academic structure 'funnel' introduction.

    A. Synthesise a thesis having considered 2 positions (liberal and conservative) on necessity of regulation
    B. Assess the necessity of regulation, explain your thesis supported by 2 theoretical approaches
    C. Compare the debates surrounding regulation to drive at a Thesis Statement
    D. Summarise the purposes and practices of regulation - who, what, why, how
    E. Define regulation and some relevant details

    1. Read the following articles for assessment next lesson 

    2. Re-Read and Map out on Paper the Key Arguments from this resource - focus on 3 GENERAL POINTS related to NEW TECHNOLOGIES, SOCIAL CHANGES & LEGISLATION.

    Prepare a 300 word Introduction Paragraph on YOUR position on the DEBATE - it must include

    a) General observation on regulation in the contemporary age
    b) The points that you have considered
    c) Your THESIS STATEMENT - what you have decided you can prove/argue (with THEORY)

    You will need to select some AUDIENCE theories to back up your THESIS - see below

    3.3 Intro Regulation - BBFC Case Studies & Video Nasties

    Wednesday, 18 January 2017

    3.4 Starter - Contemporary examples of TV Regulation

    Monday, 16 January 2017

    3.3 Evaluation Q4 Deadline Monday 23/1/17


    A: Evaluate the CREATIVE & AESTHETIC success of your use of technology in meeting audience expectations

    B: Explain WHY you have used them to be Creative, Experimental, Organised, Collaborate, Aesthestics, Communicate with audience (social networking)HOW 

    C: Analyse HOW you have used them - giving reasons and decisions (meeting audience expectations; creatively exploring genre; Organising and Collaborating with your team.

    D: Find examples and describe How you used them 

    E: Identify 12 technologies - 4 for Research & Planning, 5 for Construction, 3 for Evaluation with visual examples from your work

    Level 4

    Level 3

    Friday, 13 January 2017

    3.2 Prep Work: Regulation

    1. Read the following resources - explore the arguments listed on the post (Tues/Weds Lesson)

    2. Complete the attached grid in the post for Tuesday/Wednesday

    3. Revise answers for Quiz on Introductory Activity: Answer the following questions Starter on Tuesday/Wednesday

    What is Regulation? 
    Why does the media, need to be regulated? 
    Names as many regulatory bodies as you can? 
    What type of regulation is Proactive and Reactive? 
    Define statutory Regulation? 
    Define self-regulation

    4.Read the following article on Film Censorship and highlight key points for Thurs/Fri Lesson next week

    Tuesday, 10 January 2017

    3.2 Homework and Classwork Evaluation Q1: Deadline Monday 16/1


    • Include an Introduction and Conclusion
    • Put the words USE CHALLENGE and DEVELOP in BOLD in your main body text to highlight where you have answered the question
    • Include examples side by side with RMT to provide the evidence and compare

    A: Evaluate the success of your use of conventions

    B: Compare with examples of RMT - and EXPLAIN WHY they are conventions (Purpose/Function)

    C: Analyse purpose - WHY and HOW you have USED, CHALLENGED or 
    DEVELOPED them in your work

    D: Find examples and describe if they have been used or challenged in your work

    E: Identify 12 conventions of GENRE and STRUCTURE from your work



    Other Q1. Exemplars Level 4

    Wednesday, 4 January 2017

    3.1 Assessment of Practical Work

    Objective: To peer assess the Horror practical work against moderated examples

    A - Justify your grade in a written up description of the work 

    B - Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the work with examples

    C - Categorise the work into a skill level comparing the examples with the moderated work with examples 

    D - Identify where you have effectively used examples of 
    1. Genre conventions: MES, Stock Characters, Stock scenes 
    2. Media Language Technical Codes: editing, sound, camera
    3. Media Language Symbolic Codes: MES, Lighting)

    E - Describe your contribution to the work (Pie Chart)

    1. Audience Response: Visceral or Cognitive Pleasures, Escapism, Catharsis, Copycat (Imitable Behaviour)

    2. Representation of Meaning: Final Girl, Teen Punishment, Sub Text on Sexuality, Religion or Monsters, Societal Fears
    3. Narrative - Clear Enigma Codes, Binary Opposition


    PRINT - Magazine & Poster

    The horror trailer demonstrates flair and creativity in the construction and application of conventions. It has some key visual strengths particularly in the range of locations, jump cuts, and lighting. There is controlled pacing of the editing to create mystery, supernatural effects and inclusion of conventional scenes for a horror. The use of sound edited is effective mostly throughout and mixes and sequences the drones, distortion sounds and title slate booms. There is a strong variety of shot types with some controlled use of camera and framing at times with some very well composed moments. Confident performances and well used locations, make up and props, and colour grading. Titles are suitable and designed and used to maintain brand image and keep to the correct font. The narrative is clear through the editing establishes the equilibrium and disruption clearly and includes the jump scare. Overall this is a piece which skillfully follows conventions demonstrates flair in the realisation of the idea. Low level 4 border. 32/40

    The poster maitains an excellent sense of brand identity and consistency with the rest of the campaign through font and colour scheme, background texture and central image. The layout is balanced, and the conventions of institutional text, age certificate and tag line, actors billing and reviews included. The main image is well realised and creates the horror aesthethic with some good use of effects vens and male up to convey the genre. Overall the poster is successful in accomplishing its aims and demonstrates excellent design and skill. 8/10

    The magazine is clearly recognisable by its form and use of conventions and is eye catching and considerable aspects of excellence. The layout and font choices are eye catching and are suited a film magazine. There spacing and sizing has attention to detail and care and the number of features is consistent with being convincing as a cover page for a film magazine. The main image has been posed effective and the antaognist and genre are convincing and on-brand to the poster. The layout conforms to conventions and ther is a sene of style in the use of fonts and colours and flair in the skills of cutting images and layout.. Overall best fit a skillful example with some good understanding of the convention of magazines content, layout and form.  8/10
    The trailer has some real strengths, particularly the pace of editing and inclusion of conventional scenes for a zombie horror. There is some effective use of sound at times with drones and sound effects and appropriate use of silence, along with a range of shot types and well controlled use of camera, framing and  with some confident performances. Titles have been designed and used to maintain brand image. Make up and use of locations suits the genre and the trailer is recognisable as a horror. The narrative is clear and the equilibrium is established at the start and use of a clunky voiceover. Overall this is an effective and creative piece which follows and realises the conventions well, with some attention to detail in the mise-en-scene and strong, controlled use of camera and editing best fit into the lower excellent. Ellie made a full contribution towards the shooting and editing. L3 29/40

    The poster is a striking piece and thematically maitains brand identity with the rest of the campaign through the use of hands, font and colour scheme, althought the use of black rather than red on the title is a notable issue. The layout is balanced and neat and fits visually with a low budget British horror and branding of the film. While the main image is slightly blurred the overall poster design is eye catching and portrays the narrative of the film. The conventions of text, age certificate and layout are followed well and there is attention to detail here. Overall highly proficient. 5/10

    The magazine is recognisable by its form and use of conventions, the layout generally is appropriate in its use of thirds and shows some level of proficiency. There is a variety of fonts and the title is clearly demarcated by its size, position and effects. There is attention to detail in the positioning and inclusion of the QR codes, barcode, issue and the features. The main image is somewhat effective and has been edited well using gradients to fade out to black to maintain the colour scheme of the cover - while it does not follow the standard medium close, there is consideration of its placement in relation to text and the image selected is powerful and creates meaning and is on-brand. The hand and inclusion of the poster is a nice touch. 5/10 
    An ambitious piece, the trailer has some strengths in inclusion of conventional scenes for a horror and makes some good use of the animated smoke effects and the appearing symbols. There is some effective use of sound at times with drones and sound effects at times synched to key visual moments, along with a range of shot types in a variety of locations, using lighting and smoke machines and some confident performances too. Titles though included are underdeveloped in their design and arguably too expositional and confusing/repetitive and the font selected does not maintain brand image. Make up and use of locations suits the genre and the trailer is recognisable as a horror. The narrative is mostly clear and the equilibrium is established at the start. Overall this is a creative piece which realises the idea partially effectively/successfully but with lacking consistency and thorough attention to detail in the mise-en-scene or controlled use of camera and editing. The titles across each form differ in colour. Best fit into proficient. 23/40

    The poster is a striking piece and maintains brand identity with the rest of the campaign through the use of occult symbol, font and colour scheme, (though not font colour) and thematic use of the eye and smoke. The layout is balanced and neat and eye-catching visually with advanced use of Photoshop to manipulate images to portray the narrative aspects of the film. The conventions of institutional text, age certificate and layout are followed well and there is attention to detail here. Overall excellent. 8/10

    The magazine is mainly convincing by its design, form and use of conventions, the layout is appropriate in its use of thirds and suitable content for a cover page. There is a variety of well selected fonts and the image maintains brand identitify with the film using logos, smoke and character as well as the colour scheme (although the font colour differs across all 3). There is attention to detail in the positioning and inclusion of the QR codes, barcode, issue and the features. The main image is somewhat effective and has been edited proficiently with a suitably posed character - although the shot selection is a little distant to incorporate the smoke in the hands. 6/10

    Tuesday, 3 January 2017

    FSA2 Mock Exam Preparation

    Objective: Te revise Q1a and Q1b Concepts for Mock Exam

    A - Analysis of 5 x Theories/Skills linked to concepts justified with detailed examples from own work
    B - Application of 4 Theorist/Skill linked to concepts supported with some specific examples from own work
    C - Application of 4 Theories/Skills with discussion of development referring to examples from practical work
    D - Application of 3 Theories/Skills with discussion of development across 2 years with some reference to own work 
    E - Less than 3 Theories/Skills with no development across 2 years
    U - Minimal Theory used correctly/Minimal examples from own work/only 1 year of production work