Monday, 8 January 2018

3.2 Prep (2 hours) - Debate due 17th Jan

Seminar/debate lesson

Read through the resources and think about the following debates. In your pairs discuss each of the points and prepare your thoughts informed by your reading, the resources and your own research

Write up your answers below to summarise the following arguments - consider a position BOTH for and against:
  1. Are regulators able to put in place effective ways of limiting access to content when it is available free on the internet?
  2. Is there still a need to protect children and vulnerable adults from 'obscene' or 'harmful' content? Who's responsibility is this - parents, the individual, the industry or the government?
  3. Who should regulate? How should a group of appointed people to regulate and make decisions on what the public can and cannot watch be selected? Who should these people be? What are some of the concerns with this?
  4. Should acts of violence in the context of terrorism be broadcast on TV before the 9pm watershed when children can view them? Should Youtube allow videos of terrorists beheading prisoners to be uploaded? Why/why not? Who should be responsible for regulating this?
  5. What are some the moral and social implications of a permissive and desensitised society.
  6. Why are Film and Games regulated by the industry but TV regulated by the government - what do we call these type of regulation? Why is the internet unregulated? Who should take responsibility for this when there are threats made on Twitter or misogyny and homophobia comments on Youtube? Should there just be 1 super-regulator for all media content, including the internet? What are some of the issues with this?
  7. What is the most effective kind of regulation - censorship, classification using age certification, restricted access or self-regulation. Can you think of another?
Try and find examples of Games, TV and Films controversies that have been newsworthy in last 2 years.

Here are link to some resources:

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