Monday, 29 January 2018

3.5 Prep 50 Shades vs Deadpool (due Weds 7th Feb)

Read the following articles

Homework: Essay Pt1 (Intro, Historical Context & BBFC)

"How far do changes to the regulation of media reflect broader social changes?"

1. Purposes of regulation - to protect vulnerable or to uphold Moral Standards? Control vs protection
Outline how Film, Tv or Games regulation has changed over the years - stricter or more liberal with society - how do the forms compare?
2. Is all media considered equal & regulated as liberally/strict? Which? Should all regulators have a set standard across all media - does that mean 1 single regulator?
*Consider the debates over desensitization, Individual Freedom, scapegoating, technology and access

3. Thesis Statement *Answer the question - your position in relation to regulation of the media: should there be a set moral standard that does not change across time/Is it the duty of statutory regulators to uphold/enforce moral standards/
What role does the individuals responsibility?Is regulation even possible in an increasingly online culture.

Para 2: BBFC introduction - history and key moments in responding to moral panics
  • Refer to Case Study on 1980s Video Nasties (Evil Dead or Texas Chainsaw Massacre) & Media Effects theories (Imitable Behaviour, Copy Cat, Moral Panic)- 1984 Video Recordings Act,
  • Liberalisation over the years - 'censorship' to 'classification'
  • Many of these films being remade and released with 15 or 18 certificates in 2013-2015
  • Using age ratings - not banned a film since 2011 (until 2015 Hate Crime)
  • Past: Regulation to uphold moral standards - "By the few for the masses"
  • Debates surrounding increasing liberalisation from Moral standards to individual freedom to choose at 18
  • Protecting children and upholding Moral Standards to just protecting children. 1980s banned list of films = video nasties due to access to unregulated films through home video - imilar to internet?
  • VRA 1984 brought in based on questionable research and conservative government agenda - only considered the Effects/Hypodermic Needle approach

Part 3: BBFC Contemporary - reaction to sex and violence

Deadpool vs Blue is the Warmest Colour or 50 Shades

Violence is still a concern when applied to comic characters but increasingly liberal due to desensitisation

Catharsis with violence and context of fictional 'adult' comic book characters emerging to meet adult audience (eg Logan) to critical acclaim and great success

Sexual explicit films considered within their context, mainstream or foreign films having different sensibilities

Is there an inconsistency with how violence is regarded as opposed to sex

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