Sunday, 3 January 2016

3.3 Intro to Regulation - BBFC & Video Nasties

To debate regulation and have some understanding of the BBFC classification and censorship guidelines

C: apply concepts and key terminology to historical study of UK Film regulation

B: analyse Case Studies and compare debates 

A: evaluate & synthesis arguments surrounding regulation and its effectiveness

Starter: 8 aspects of Film Regulation BBFC Family Fortunes

Task 1: 1953 - 2011
The Wild Ones
Human Centipede 2
Clockwork Orange 

Hunger Games

What regulation would you advise?

A. Certificate - which U, PG, 12, 12A, 15, 18, R18?
B. Censor - Cut or Ban?


Look up what the actual ruling was - Wikipedia

New Info: Be clear on terms:

Intervening in the production or consumption. State regulation laws ie (Video Recordings Act 1984). 2 ways to do this...

- Classification
Restricting access on the grounds of age (BBFC films in cinema or home release)

- Censorship
The power to control what we are permitted to access (banning or cuts)

Factors the BBFC has to consider when rating a film:
  • Imitation - Newson Report  (Jamie Bulger)
  • Descrimination 
  • Context &Theme - artistic merit
  • Tone & impact on its audience
  • Violence
  • Sex & sexual references, 
  • drugs, 
  • Language 
Create Meaning:
You are the BBFC officer - what certificate?

9 Songs

Pulp fiction

Create Meaning: produce a Timeline of significant events of Film Regulation using the above Case Studies. Use your notes and the video below

Apply the Terms:
  • Mary Whitehouse (National Listeners and Viewers Association)
  • Obscene Publications Act 
  • Video Recordings Act
  • Censorship - Pre-emptive, Direct or In-direct
  • Procative/Reactive Regulation
  • Statutory/Self-Regulation
  • Conservative Government
  • Classification
  • Imitable Behaviour
  • Moral Panic
Consider: Historical Reference Case Study: 1980s Video Nasties


Plenary: Who is this and why is she important?

Snuff Box BBFC 'by the few, for the masses'
1:54 start

Map out the debates with discussion debate points:
1. Using the article for prep work, highlight key points

2. also look at the following Timeline 

3. and the Guidelines for certification 


Y Newson: to protect vulnerable audiences young people are impressionable and may imitate or disassociate reality

Y controversial content can lead to desensitisation or a loss of moral norms, capacity for compassion

Y deregulation slippery slope by making content permissible we condone its place in society ie rape

Y film makers have to keep pushing the boundaries of taste further to be controversial 'hype' HC2


N Adorno who is protecting who from what BBFC 'by the few, for the masses'N Uses & gratifications audience watch for a number of reasons ie catharsis

N Stuart hall oppositional and negotiated readings

N Is regulation and restriction even possible anymore when content is online & global

N the context or intention of the message may justify the content?

Extension: Use the resources in the PPTs below to develop you theoretical argument


1. Can we still protect the vulnerable in contemporary society? 

2. Is still appropriate to have an official regulator (think about who regulates) - what are some of the issues with this?

3. Which has proven to be more effective - Statutory (Legal), self-regulating (Industry/Individual)

4. How has Film regulation changed over time? 

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