Tuesday 22 September 2015

3.2 Q1b Exam: Narrative

Objective: To explore 4 - 5 theories of narrative and apply to examples from your Horror Trailer, through Peer Learning

C: To examine your influential Horror Trailer for evidence of how a given theory of narrative can be applied, and explain this the class 

B: To apply 3 - 4 theories to an example from an influential Horror Trailer and analyse meaning 

A: To explain the purpose and use of 4 theories referring to both professional examples and own Horror Trailer production 

Starter: Narrative Structure:

New Info Task: Peer Teach

Essay Plan - Apply to demonstrate in your teams
Introduction: Definition. Which product will you use to discuss and why, which are these theories of Narrative more relevant to? Why is this and why did they lend themselves more generally to a Film Trailer (should you be showing the resolution or ending?) TO WHAT EXTENT does your work conform to these rules or does it PLAY or even BREAK them?

Paragraph 1: Todorov
Discussion: Equilibrium, Disruption, Resolution, analyse your production APPLYing this theory? What was the disruption, was it linear and does it bend or break or follow these 'rules'? Give examples from your Film Trailer with where these sections are (as in what IS the disruption, how are they constructed on screen?). Does it follow the Linear pathway?

Examples from what you have watched - where do you find Todorov in Horror and how did you apply these or not? 
Conclusion - how relevant is this theory or set of rules about Narrative, what happens if you have broken them - particularly for a Horror, like using Non-Linear non-sequential storytelling in your Horror? 

Paragraph 2: Binary Oppositions (Levi-Straus)
Discussion: Good vs Evil, Male vs Female, Youth Rebellion vs Adult Society etc. How essential is this to your story? Does your work play or complicate this simple rule of narrative (ie Final Girl or not) and why? How did you construct this using examples of MES or key scenes from your Film Trailer etc.

Examples from what you have watched - where do you find Binary Opposition in Horror and how did you apply these or not? Conclusion - how relevant is this theory or set of rules about Narrative in your Trailer?

Paragraph 3: Enigma Codes (Barthes) and/or 8 Types of Narratives (Domaille)
Obviously relates to your Horror (Particularly Thriller), however how does your construct the enigma code and what is it? Is this applicable to your Horror to a large extent - does it in fact rely on it - does Barthes therefore still have a point/relevance?
Domaille - Is your Trailer conforming to 1 of the 8 'types' of film narratives? To what extent is categorising Narrative into these structures/boxes a relevant approach to analysing your film - give examples of how your work does this (MES etc)

Paragraph 4: Propp (Archetypes)
How applicable are these character types from Russian Fairytales? Why is that? To what extent is this useful and why - are your characetrs more 'realistic' or complicated? 

Where do you see see examples of Horror doing this (Hanzel & Gretal, Red Riding Hood) Are you playing with these roles to engage the audience, playing with them (Childhood memory and making this scary?) or using them to set out clear understanding of who they are - dumbing down to an audience (Harry Potter), or is your film more realistic to create a more 'real' feeling of Horror?

How have you made use of the 'rules' of Narrative in your text? How far would you agree that these ideas of narrative apply to your work and why is this so important to constructing a Trailer (an edited version of the film designed to create interest and hint at the plot and key scenes?)

Plenary assessment:

Resources: Graded Exemplars


  1. http://jakespencera2horror.blogspot.co.uk

  2. http://danielajayia2media.blogspot.co.uk/2015/09/kate-domailles-narrative-theory.html

  3. http://saskiasa2horror.blogspot.co.uk/2015/09/blog-post.html

  4. http://bengrantsa2media.blogspot.co.uk/2015/09/ben-and-sheenays-propp-theory.html

  5. http://ctkmediaa2horror.blogspot.co.uk/2016/04/5-weeks-left-narrative-revision.html
